Chapter Six

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Claire had not kissed him

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Claire had not kissed him. She couldn't have; it was impossible for her lips to have made contact with his. Yet as she pulled her head from the enclosed space of her arms, she was still in the office and the reminder of their united act dawned onto her. It was not a dream but a nightmare; Claire had kissed the gorgeous specimen and she liked it.

Sticking to her path of self-denial, Claire planned to limit her interaction with Zack and supposedly neglect any thoughts to their earlier instance. It wasn't as easy as she had hoped instantly feeling her cheeks flare rapidly towards the colour of the horizon as he returned. How could she? The habitat of his tongue sliding across the bottom of his lip, the incredible feeling of her hands running through his yet still tousled hair from earlier and not to exclude his hard body beneath. He could walk into the office naked and no finger would be pointed; Zack was just too hot for words. Claire was becoming too weak allowing this traitorous thoughts roam free in her head. She should be disgusted in him. He kissed her.

Zack was stopped as Graves took upon the audacity to walk in front of him. He dared not to sigh knowing it was no good if he lost a job, he had already kissed his roommate potentially striking his name off her good side. Graves continued forward without apologising as he made way towards the stairs in a hurry. Call him suspicious but part of Zack's interest got caught up in the matter and he found himself following. Of course he took cautious steps allowing Graves to walk down one flight of stairs before he resumed to follow. Zack took notice towards his reddening face, the puff in his breath showing his lack of shape despite Zack' earlier profile on his appearance with the extension of his hefty arms; it had to be steroids. Eventually Graves came to a stop on one of the flight of the stairs looked wearily around checking both downstairs over the rails then upstairs in which Zack stood back. This perhaps the only benefit of going undercover to be able to sniff out the rugs of the litter in his corporation.

Graves brought his phone to his ear pacing slightly back and forth to the rail until his voice in a hushed yet broke out, "Yeah...look I can do Thursday. I've got f**king inspectors on my trail today so we'll reschedule it."

Zack listened in attentively, his brows frowning at the suspicious nature of his phone call yet without hearing the receiver's voice, he could not place a finger on what he was discussing and could only hope that Thursday he'd gather more. Zack straightened his composure heading back up the flight of stairs in dismay that he hadn't cracked down onto whatever Graves was stressing and re-entered the office.

Before he even placed a foot into the territory, someone or something pushed at him with tremendous force that he nearly stumbled. It was however a person who took hold of his arm with intention of restricting his circulation proven by the firm grip. Zack couldn't hardly process what was happening and only took onto the situation when he was pushed into a stockroom hardly a breath's space between him and the other person. Then at sudden, light grew into the darkness radiating onto the other being opposite him. Zack's smile slithered onto his lips as he cocked his head to the side.

BOSS UNDERCOVER ✔️ PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now