Chapter Four

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Zack had this unpleasant taste lounging in his mouth at the discomfort of hopping on the bus for the second time. Amongst the tawdry fabricated moss green seats sat others evidently observing the outside world with no interest whatsoever into the grubby, filthy environment they sat in. Zack couldn't understand how eased they were to be not at all troubled. Was this normal? Was it normal not to be affected by the clear evident stains on the seats probably wet upon by the stranger who couldn't keep it in or the odour of one who hadn't washed in days? Zack had to bypass the negative thoughts heading to take seat at the front, far as possible from the lady who feasted upon her fingernails; next it would be an appetite for flesh.

He was to journey back to the sheer comfort of his penthouse to pick up remaining items before returning back to his new-founded roommate. Ideally he had hoped for Kyle or rather his bodyguard, Wickes to drop some stuff of his to the apartment however he could recall his last conversation being under lines of granting Wickes permission for holiday leave. Zack could only curse under his breath for that. So now he had to ride solo and actually get off his arse. Probably a better option to go with to minimise suspicion from Miss Claire Winter if she were to spot a man exiting a Jaguar Sports car carrying a luggage; game over for certain.

Zack breathed a sigh of relief when he came outside his building at the exact time of 5:30. Problem was he had no clue of what bus was next to catch considering he'd never caught the bus before. There was the option of calling a taxi but his change wasn't really ideal in mind in that he was carrying fifty pound notes in cash. Bringing his hand towards the template of his forehead Zack gave out a gruff sigh before taking out his phone to dial the unfortunate who would take his sorry ass home.

There was four agonising seconds until the receiver picked up. "Hello." They said.

Zack refrained from rolling his eyes as he muttered, his tone gravelly. "I need you to pick me up."

As he expected there was a release of laughter on the other line, "Haha! Give up already?"

"Kyle." He spat, trying best not draw attention towards the crowd of people walking by. "Just stop being a d.ick already."

Kyle paused for a second. "Unfortunately for you, I've decided against picking your ass up. So...looks like you're gonna have to make your own way back home."

Zack sighed. "Look, I took the f**king bus. Okay? So pick me up, you f**king ass!"

"No. I'll just enjoy the comfort of your home, okay? You don't mind that do you? Of course I may have invited a few guests but no biggie." Kyle replied, easily playing on Zack's final nerves.

"No biggie?!? Wait the f**k till-

Zack growled with anger at Kyle's sudden action of ending the call that it alerted others around him to briskly move away.

Claire couldn't deny the amount of times her eyes had drifted back and forth to the front door waiting for the second he'd return. Zack had left at four to pick up few belongings he'd left temporary at the hotel he had been living at. It was indeed strange to see someone drop up and leave heading for the area close to work without buying accommodation first. But what was she to know.

She couldn't keep her mind off of him; it was driving her nuts. Why should she be so scared in her own home? Well last she checked, this man wasn't just incredibly gorgeous but drop-dead sexy beyond any actors in the past she had fancied the pants off.

Claire was in the midst of fantasying very naughty things about Mr hot stuff when the action of her phone calling out to her broke her track of thought. Picking it up she was relieved to hear Darren's ebullient tone on the other line.

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