The Heartbreak

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Nights on Berk are usually not so quiet. Most nights are filled with fire. But this night was filled with a different kind of fire; an angry fire. The men and women of Berk stalked through the forest; their torches lighting the way. They all had one thought in mind: find the Night Fury! Granted that none of them even knew what a Night Fury looks like, they did know that it was black as night. Hence the night in Night Fury. The vikings took careful steps, praying that they wouldn't startle the beast. Amongst the uneasiness in the air and the thrill of the hunt for the most dangerous dragon around was shock. They believed that the unholy offspring was here on Berk, but they had trouble believing that Hiccup had betrayed the tribe and became friends with it. Insanity! one viking man thought as he glanced into the dark woods, how could a pipsqueak like him even get near the devil?

Every viking was on the prowl for the pair, but none more so than Stoick. He wanted to see his son without the dragon. To laugh and say that the whole thing was a misunderstanding. But the large man did have to admit; ever since Hiccup had claimed to have "shot down a Night Fury" the dragon raids have been happening less and less. Maybe what Astrid had said was true? Stoick pushed it all a side. He'd rather wait to see if it was true before he made up his mind.

"Here sir," Astrid pointed down into the Cove," This is where I found them together."

Stoick walked up to the edge; he examined the area for anything that could help. He did see evidence that a dragon was here. Burnt grass and scratches along the rocky walls that could only be left by a dragon appeared in the light of his torch. "Do you know which way they flew off?" Stoick turned back to the young viking.

"No...sorry," Astrid shook her head," They flew straight up into the clouds."

Stoick pondered on what to do next. He knew that Hiccup wouldn't just leave. He was most likely hiding out somewhere. "Search the area," he ordered," And remember; immobilize the Night Fury first then take Hiccup."


Hiccup and Toothless flew in the starless night sky. He felt the irony. No stars in the sky, no place to call home. Hiccup felt the sting of sadness swell up in him. He forced the tears to back off and focused on something else. He was leaving. He was going to see and go to places that no viking could ever go to without a dragon. Hiccup opened his mouth to ask Toothless a question when a flicker of light caught his eye. He looked down at the forest below and saw two viking men with angry faces.

"Where do ya think they'd go?" one of them asked the other.

"They'd probably went to the mountains," the other responded," but they might still be here in the forest."

Yea...they're looking for us, Hiccup thought. "Alright bud," he whispered to Toothless," It's time to get out of here." But before they could do anything a Boa Sling flung through the air and smacked them out of the sky. The sling wrapped around them as they fell. Hiccup and Toothless crashed against the trees before hitting the ground with a solid and loud thump. Hiccup managed to slip his right arm free," Toothless are you okay?"

'Yea,' Toothless groaned,' Still here.' Toothless moved his tail into view and was glad to still see that he still had the one tail fin. Hiccup fished for his dagur while Toothless tried to break the rope by force.

"They're down!"

"Grab them before they get away!"

Hiccup panicked as he reached for his dagur. Suddenly he heard the whistle of Toothless's charge. "Toothless no!" Hiccup begged," Don't blast them!"

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