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"You've ruined enough of my life already!"

That sentence rang loud and fresh in Hiccup's mind as he watched his only friend run away into the shadow filled forest, practically becoming invisible. He stood there as the rain pounded down hard, almost blinding Hiccup. Then his body began to move independently from his mind. Hiccup flopped down onto the wet grass, his butt getting soggy. Hiccup stared into the nothingness of the forest's shadows. Everything leading up to now replayed in his mind; shooting down Toothless, finding him in the forest, freeing him, bonding with him. Those times seem so much... much...better. Hiccup finally took a deep breath and snapped back to reality. He began to feel the pain of sorrow well up inside as he was unable to tell if he was crying or if it was just the rain water sliding down his face. Hiccup covered his face with his hands, completely broken. The shine of silver and red caught his attention, it was blood stained sword. Guilt rushed over Hiccup, all of those people...their lives either ruined or lost to the war that broke out because he was there. Hiccup didn't even know if there were any survivors. He prayed that there was at least one so he could make amends for the ones who had probably died. For the first time in Hiccup's life...he felt completely alone.


Toothless ran as fast as his legs would let him, tears blinding his eyes. Every now and then Toothless would either bump or smack into a tree. But he just continued running. Where was he running to? The dragon had no idea. He was just running. "All because I had to save your pathetic life!" Every time that sentence slithered it's way back to the front of Toothless' mind an aching pain ripped through his heart. Pathetic...pathetic...could a pathetic life do this? Toothless roared out and blasted the trees in front of him. They erupted from the ground and broke apart in the air. Well...that didn't help. All it did was make a mess. The dragon sat down, unsure of what to do. He can't fly. Which pretty much meant that he was dead. 'A downed dragon was a dead dragon' a man called...Gobber once told that to Hiccup, according to Hiccup. that why he tried to help me fly? Just because that man said that?W-Would he of just left me for dead if that man never said that? Toothless stared up at the towering trees. The shadows seemed to have grown darker. Toothless had never felt so alone.


Hiccup hung his head. The sound of distant thunder broke the silence of the rain. Hiccup wanted to think of something else to get his mind off the situation but his mind refused to think at all. Then a much lower, muffled rumble caught Hiccup's attention. It was only then that Hiccup realized that he was hungry. But he didn't want to move form his spot. Hiccup rose his head to the sound of a distant roar of a dragon. It wasn't Toothless. The heavy rain made it difficult to place but Hiccup believed it to be a Monstrous Nightmare. Again...that dragon again! His past was haunting him. Hiccup refused to kill one in the ring so now he's cursed to run into them in the wild. Hiccup began to breath rapidly. He could fell his heart beating inside his chest. Panic rushed over Hiccup quicker the rain. His mind slipped back to the days when he was much younger. When all he was allowed to do was stay inside and watch the viking men and women fight the dragons that dared to raid Berk. The Hideous Zipplebacks gassed and sparked the food storage, the Gronckles melted the human weapons with their lava, the Deadly Nadders struck both viking and building with their sharp spines, and the Monstrous Nightmares...they just burned everything in sight. Hiccup's mind flashed forwards few years, he could see it so vividly. Him standing alone on the cliff, shooting down Toothless, cheering in victory only to find out that nobody saw...nobody but that Monstrous Nightmare. Hiccup couldn't forget that deadly look in it's eyes. Hiccup broke away from the terrible memories and clutched his chest. Panic controlling every inch of his body. Hiccup then realized that he was standing up, the sword in his hand. Wa...Hiccup dropped the sword in shock. What would posses him to grab the sword when he was only reliving events of his past? As if on cue the Monstrous Nightmare roar echoed through the rain...much closer this time. Hiccup picked up the sword again, panicking. I need to find Toothless, Hiccup turned and ran into the forest.


Toothless wandered aimless through the forest, his head hanging in sorrow. The only thing he could think of was to find a place to die. If he couldn't fly then what was the point. Catching food without the ability to fly was nearly impossible. The Night Fury couldn't understand how Speed Stingers did it. Toothless glanced up and saw a rocky area branch off from the forest. Toothless sauntered over to the pale, grey zone. Toothless laid down on the hard rock, tired and hungry. Among the thundering rain the dragon could hear his stomach growling for food. He ignored it. But then...the growling began to grow louder. Toothless picked his head up, realizing that it wasn't his stomach that was growling. It was a dragon...and it sounded like it was coming from where Toothless had just left. Oh no...Hiccup! Toothless jumped up and took off into the forest.

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