Dear Jungkook

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We were full of happiness back then.

You gave me so much euphoria whenever you're by my side.

You made me feel great.

You introduced me to a whole new world.

We were perfect for each other.

Or so I thought.

I never expected you to change.

For one, unfortunate thing.

You suddenly showed a different side of you.

It's like a story with a plot twist at the end.

Like a fairy tale, I would say.

A sad one.

Why did you turn out like this?

Do I deserve your hurtful words?

I know what you experienced was terrible.

But did you have to take it out on me?

I don't mind, actually.

I'm glad you're expressing yourself.

I'm glad I'm the only one who you think can understand your feelings.

When in truth, I'm a try-hard for making myself understand.

I will never understand.

I hope you understand, though.

I wish we could revise everything.

I want to see you smile again.

I want to hear you laugh at my cheesy jokes or pick up lines.

I want to feel your body against mine.

I want to stare into your eyes like there's no tomorrow.

Don't your lips feel lonely without mine on top of them?

See? I did it again.

I can't help it, Jeon Jungkook.

You mean so much to me.

You mean the world to me.

I love you to death.

But I guess it's too late now.

I can never change you back to the old guy I knew and treasured.

I have lost you.

If there's anything you want me to do.

I will be delighted to do it.

As long as you feel happy and back to life again, I'll do it.

I'm sorry.

- p.j

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