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A single autumn leaf that's attached to the branch


Jungkook was in a coma. Jimin cried for a week upon hearing the news. His friend, Taehyung saw a limpy Jungkook lying on the ground, his clothes ripped apart. It was a horrifying sight. He never thought he would see someone else's boy friend in that state. Bruised and bold. Taehyung quickly removed his oversised jacket that reached his knees and wrapped it around Jungkook as he carried him to the nearest hospital.

That's when Taehyung called Jimin. Jimin was just about to get out of work when he received the information. How fast he ran off to see his beloved with tears in his eyes.

"Jungkook, baby..." Jimin whispered as he looked at the unconscious boy lying on the bed. "please wake up." he said, grabbing his hand and kissing it. "I should have saved you.... If I got out of work earlier, I would have seen your smiling face at home.... I should have...." he trailed off.

The door suddenly swang open, getting Jimin's attention. An unknown guy was being held by two police. "Is this the guy?" one of the officers asked.

Jimin looked at them confusingly. "W-What? Who is he?"

"Is he the one who did that to your boy friend?" the other officer asked as well.

Jimin was just puzzled. He never saw the attacker, Tae just informed him. Maybe that male knew. "I-I don't know, officers. I wasn't present at the time of the incident. My friend just told me."

Suddenly, the guy who was needed showed up. "Jimin? What are these police officers--" Taehyung stopped midway in his sentence when he met face to face with the stranger. "YOU! YOU WERE THE ONE WHO DID THAT TO JUNGKOOK!" he yelled so loudly.

Jimin felt a pang of anger hit his chest. The next thing he knew, he got up from his seat and punched the stranger, the impact making him fall down. Jimin got on top of him and continued sending him punches. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY HIM!" he screamed, tears threatening to fall down.

The officers held Jimin by his arms to prevent him from hurting the criminal continuously. Jimin was finally crying, his eyes red from anger and even his face. His hands are also fisted, ready to punch him anytime again.

"What the hell?" a soft, young voice suddenly rang everyone's ears, causing them to turn around. Jimin's eyes widen at the sight. Jungkook was finally awake and he looked so dense. His face was very much bruised and his neck was full of marks that Jimin hated seeing everytime he would glance at him.

"Kookie." Jimin cried, removing the officers' hands off him and running up to the love of his life. He wrapped him in his arms. There, he continued crying loudly.

Jungkook was just still, unsure of what to do. He was too traumatized by the incident that had happened to him. He couldn't bring himself to hug Jimin. He was feeling numb. Dead.

The officers knew exactly what to do next and that was to put the guy Jimin just punched behind bars. Taehyung also left with them, in case some questioning would happen. So only the two lovers were inside the room.

"Jungkook... I missed you." Jimin whispered in the other male's ear as he embraced him in his arms tighter. Afterwards, he pulled back and looked at him with a sad smile. "Jungkook." he repeated.

Jungkook was staring at him in the eyes and felt nonchalant about the whole thing. He couldn't bare to move his body. Not only because it hurt, but also because he didn't want to.

"Jungkook, say something." Jimin said, touching his cheek softly. "Do you have any idea how worried I was for you? I cried every night, praying for you to wake up. But now that you're finally wide awake after who knows how long. I just... I feel so happy."

But Jimin didn't expect for Jungkook's response. "Stay away from me." he spat at him like how he did when he was assaulted.

Jimin's eyes widen, smile fading in an instant. "What?"

"I don't wanna see your face."

"Jungkook, what are you talking about?"

"Fuck you."

Those were the same words he said to the guy.

Jimin felt like multiple daggers stabbed his heart. He leaned in towards the boy, but his face got slapped. Jungkook's hand printed red on his cheek and it hurt Jimin not physically, but emotionally.

"You disgust me, Park Jimin. Get away from me."

Jimin's eyes are red from tearing up as he looked at Jungkook sadly. "Why?.... Whatever did I do to you? Why are you acting like this, Jeon Jungkook, huh?" He resisted the urge to yell at his beloved.

"I was crying for your name, Jimin." Jungkook started, tears also welling his eyes. "But you never came. I was being held like some animal. No one was there to help me. I was helpless and pathetic. Do you have any idea how much it stung me?!"

That's right, Jimin wasn't there to save him like a prince. But Jungkook was being unreasonable at the moment. Was he blaming Jimim to what had happened to him? If he was, then how unlucky Jimin must have felt.

"Are you... are you saying it's my fault now that you're in this state?" Jimin asked softly, realizing reality. And it was Jungkook speaking badly of him.

"That's correct." Jungkook answered directly.

"Bullshit, Jeon Jungkook." Jimin said, his eyes darkening. Jungkook looked at him in shock. "How can you blame me for something I had no part of?"

"Then who should I blame, huh?" Jungkook asked, cutting him off. "Myself?"

"No. It's no one's fault but the person who attacked you."

But Jungkook just glared at him, still thinking that what he said was right.

"If you don't stop acting like a person who accuses falsely, then fine by me."

"If you had saved me-"

"You know what? I don't care anymore if I say this: it's YOUR fault. If you hadn't been careless, you wouldn't have had your virginity taken by someone else. You were too much of a dumbass to let yourself be assaulted like that."

Jimin's words truly hurt Jungkook. He was mortified by him. He gripped the bed sheets and looked at him furiously in the eyes. "Get out of here." Jimin had no second thoughts and left the room as ordered. Jungkook buried his face under the covers, crying his heart out.

Jungkook's whole world crashed.

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