Happy Birthday

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It's breaking


Jimin and Jungkook's relationship was of course off ever since that fight they had. Jungkook detested Jimin so much, but Jimin on the other hand... he was secretly hurting. He still loved Jungkook even after all the mean things he told him back then. He didn't mean them. But it's too late to say sorry now, though.

Jimin prayed every night for things to return back to how they used to be. When he and Jungkook were still together, when Jungkook didn't get into that incident. Jimin prayed for his life to become easier.

Jungkook, being younger, tells Jimin rude things, calling him an ass, fat, ugly, and what more. It's his way of revenge, you would say. He also hurts him physically if he wants to and the older male won't fight back. Jungkook still has a grudge in his heart eversince Jimin said those hurtful words to him.

Jimin thought he deserved this for making the younger boy mad when he's supposed to understand what he's gone through. But that's why he is still in love with him. No matter what Jungkook does, Jimin will always cling onto him because he means the world to him.

Since their contract for the apartment has not yet expired, they couldn't leave at all. As much as Jungkook wanted to. But if you really want to leave, you have to pay a certain amount. Unfortunately, Jungkook doesn't have that much money. Jimin does, but he would never tell the other male because he doesn't want him to permanently leave his life. That's how much Jimin loves this boy, even though it's one sided now.

"Jimin, get the fuck out off the couch." Jungkook yelled, throwing the poor boy a half empty water bottle. Not as a joke, but as his way of anger.

Jimin didn't say anything and just obeyed him, shifting into a different seat as he continued to watch the show on T.V.

Jungkook sat down contently on the spot Jimin used to possess and grabbed the remote, rudely switching the channel. He glanced at Jimin and smirked to himself. He has always had his way in this house, when it used to be the two of them. He orders Jimin around and the male would immediately follow. Jungkook has became the dominant one and Jimin became submissive.

Jimin stood up and decided to head to the shower so he can take a short bath to reduce his stress. Jungkook watched him in the corner of his eye until he reached the bathroom. He shut the T.V off and grabbed a glass of water. He removed the rag in front of the door and replaced it with something slippery. He spilled the water and even added oil.

This proved how much Jungkook had gone insane.

Jungkook returned to the living room but he didn't watch, instead, he fiddled with his phone, smiling contently to himself.

After a few minutes, his ears finally heard the bathroom door opening. He heard a squeak and a loud thud. His head turned around and there he saw Jimin, lying down with only a towel on.

Jungkook laughed evily. "Not only are you fat, but you're clumsy too? I'm so amused, Park Jimin."

It was a good thing his head didn't land hardly on the ground, only his buttocks did. But still, it hurt. Jimin hissed in pain as he tried to stand up, making him slip again as Jungkook continued chuckling.


Jimin ignored his bullying and finally gathered all his strength to stand. You can do it, Jimin, He thought in mind, when it used to be Jungkook who said him those words. He finally stood up and took a deep breath, calming himself down. "That was a good prank you did there, Kookie." he told the male in the living room, smiling sadly.

He got a frown in return. "Get some clothes on. You disgust me."

Jimin nodded and headed to their bedroom. He locked the door and stripped off his towel, putting on his boxers. While he did this, he couldn't help but look at the mirror in front of him. He looked like a mess.

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