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"Are you ready for this?" Alex smirked.

"Nope, ah-ah. Don't get that look on your face!" I warned him with a finger. "We agreed we wouldn't tell anyone. Nobody is going to find out I agreed to be your stupid girlfriend, which I still can't believe I did. Until you've proven that you can stay out of every other girls panties, we're not telling anyone. Got it?"

"They're going to notice, Sophie," He chuckled. "When you say I can't flirt with other girls, they're going to notice something is up."

"No they're not," I firmly stated. "Because we are going to behave like we normally do. Act naturally – do the things we always do."

"So I'm going to flirt with the entire room, stare at your ass the whole day, and you're going to pretend it doesn't make you wet."

"Yes. No!" I quickly said when he broke out into laughter. "That's not what I—urgh, never mind, you dick. Just act natural."

"Fine, on one condition; We make out in the bathroom during the lunch break."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and opened the door to my car. "Why the fuck did I agree to be your girlfriend?"

"Because you love it when my tongue is inside your—"

"—that was a rhetorical question!"

We got out of my car(well, my parents' car, but I had borrowed it for today) and started heading towards the school's entrance, Alexander grinning like the smug idiot he was. The stretch from the parking lot to the front doors seemed a lot longer than it normally did and I suspected it had something to do with the gauntlet of people staring at us – well, him.

Just relax, I told myself. Nobody knows anything, this is normal, they always stare. Just make it through the day, you'll be alright.

"Sophie-girl!" Miles' voice bellowed as soon as we came into the hallway. "Long time, no see! What' you been doing?"

I saw the smug look on Alex's face and I just knew what he wanted to reply; Me. She's been doing me.

Which of course I hadn't. I had told him no sex or any other kind of kinky behavior until I knew he was for real. We were simply on trial-stage at this point.

"Just been busy with homework," I replied with a little forced smile. "What about you? Where's your non-identical twin?"

"You mean Jagger?" He snickered. "He got in trouble with his mama for sneaking some of her wine out of the liquor cabinet. They're talking with the principal at the moment."

"First rule of the Alexander Handbook; If you're not practiced enough to do the crime, don't even try and steal the wine," Alex chuckled and smacked my ass. "Not unless you can do the time, anyway."

I sent him a mean stare and walked up to my locker. "Watch the hands there, Stone. I've got a set of rules, too; If you want to hit my ass, you first gotta fill my glass."

"I'll be happy to fill it," He leaned down and whispered in my ear, so close that his mouth touched my shell. When I shivered, he smirked. "I'll fill it until it shatters apart."

- He really could turn everything dirty.

I pulled my shit together and elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to draw back with an oomph. "Zip it, Stone. Let's get to class."

Alexander (CENTURIES series: Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now