Chapter 38: New Revelations!

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Chapter 38: New Revelations!

Leila looked at both of them with anger burning in her eyes. She tapped her foot impatiently, while crossing her arms over her chest. Her eyes trailed over the pictures on the walls and her surroundings. The tension in the room was thick, almost as if it was trying to suffocate her. She looked back at the both of them menacingly, making them cower back into the couch. "Well? Aren't you going to answer me?"

"I... It's not what you think," Mason blurted out. That was the cheesiest and most clichéd line Leila has ever heard.

"I don't believe you. And to think I was going to give you another chance," she felt her adrenaline begin to rush as her blood boiled. "You can stay with her. I knew Jason was the better choice," she mumbled angrily as she shoved the folder into her bag and ran for the door. Mason flinched at the sound of Jason's name. He felt his heart begin to ache at the thought of Leila choosing Jason over him.

"Wait! Please let me explain everything," Abigail called after her, making her stop in her tracks.

"You've actually said enough Abigail. You've said enough when you chose those cheerleaders over me and when you used my brother to maintain your stupid popularity," Leila turned back around and walked away from them.

"Sweetheart, please let me explain," Mason pleaded, capturing her into a bear hug. "Please," he whispered softly. His pain filled voice sent chills up her spine.

"Okay then," Leila sighed and looked at him. Her forehead creased in frustration. Mason smiled lightly as his fingers tried to smooth it out.

"Abigail and I are just friends. Please believe me," Mason looked at her with sincerity written all over his eyes.

"Then why is she really here? Doesn't she have a home to live in?" Leila glanced towards Abigail. Her hands shook lightly. Leila knew that she was nervous, her lip biting just confirmed it even more.

"Trust me, I want to tell you everything but I can't," Mason whispered lightly, breaking his eye contact with her.

"Why not? Am I not trustworthy enough for this little secret of yours?" Leila screamed at him.

"I'm sorry. It's not my place to tell you why she's really here. I just can't," Mason looked away from her, embarrassed.

"Whatever. You two deserve each other!" Leila shouted as she stomped away from them.

"Leila! Please!" Abigail shouted after her.

"I can't believe this. Please stay Leila. I love you," Mason ran after her and pulled her into her chest.

"Let me go," Leila struggled as she began to pound on his chest.

"Hey guys, what's with all the commotion?" Mary Joy bellowed from one of the rooms. She stepped out and let out a gasp. "Leila, what are you doing here?"

"You've known about Mason and Abigail and yet you didn't tell me a thing?" Leila looked at her best friend sadly. That sadness was soon replaced by betrayal and hurt.

"Leila, it's not what you think! Just let us explain," Abigail intervened, looking at her with sad eyes.

"No! I've heard and seen enough," Leila turned back to the door and stalked her way towards it.

"I can't believe I'm losing her again," Mason muttered sadly as he stared at Leila's retreating figure. Mary Joy looked at her step brother with sad eyes. Everything within her snapped. She has kept this secret for too long. She can't jeopardize Mason and Leila's relationship because of this. She was Leila's best friend after all. Mustering enough courage, she chased after Leila.

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