Chapter Six

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Better Than Revenge

 Chapter Six

Even though I really, really, really didn’t want Christian Ryder to catch up to me, after about two minutes of running at full speed, I was pretty much exhausted. My fat ass couldn’t keep running at that pace. It just wasn’t happening. I realized there was no way of avoiding him unless I took a series of turns to throw him off. I just wasn’t fast enough to outrun him and I didn’t have enough endurance to keep running anymore. The only way was to confuse him and get him off my tail.

My plan was to take a bunch of random turns and hope he wouldn’t be able to keep up with me. I didn’t even know where to turn, though, and I was pretty sure this method was going to make me get lost or something. Either that or I’d end up in Hollywood’s slums where a hobo would attack me and rape me. No, thank you. I’ll pass. 

Looking behind me, I realized I had no one on my tail. He was nowhere to be found. Had I lost him already? Was it really that easy? 

I turned a corner, then turned left and then turned right. I found myself in a small park. I had no idea where this small park was, exactly, however. This definitely wasn’t a good thing. It was starting to get dark, as well, and the park appeared to be deserted. This was a perfect setting for a horror film. 

“Shit, shit, shit,” I cursed, stopping to catch my breath. I put a hand on my chest, trying to steady my breathing. Fumbling around in my pockets, I searched for my phone. I needed to call Tori to come get me. I was not running back to our hotel, and I sure as hell wasn’t staying there. 

“There you are,” a voice said from behind me, sighing in relief. 

I froze immediately, my eyes widening. I was sure I had lost him… guess I assumed too quickly… 

I didn’t even know what to do or say. I couldn’t even bring myself to turn around to face him. The only thing that popped into my head was to keep running, so that was exactly what I did. 

I should’ve known it wasn’t going to work. He was too fast. That “killer” body wasn’t just for show, apparently. It served other purposes, too. He not only caught up to me in about, oh, ten seconds, but he also managed to get in front of me, forcing me to come to a halt. 

“Godammit,” I muttered angrily, refusing to look him in the eye. “Would you get out of the way? Can’t you see I’m trying to get away from you? Good grief.” 

He rolled his eyes, pulling his hood down, off of his head. “Don’t be ridiculous. I didn’t just follow you all the way here just to let you go so easily.” 

“Oh, because following me for a few blocks must have been oh-so hard,” I retorted, gasping dramatically. “Is it too much work for Mr. Hollywood to handle?” 

“No,” he snapped angrily. “Following you was easy. You’re as slow as my grandmother.” 

Ah, his true colors were showing, now that there wasn’t a camera right in his face. There was no danger of his precious little fans seeing his ugly side, so he could act however he wanted.


“Yeah, well, if I wasn’t scared of getting lost in an unknown city, I would’ve lost you, easy,” I told him, finally looking up and meeting his gaze. “But I’ve never been here before and would rather not get lost and molested, thanks. That’s the only reason you caught me.” 

“Oh, really?” he challenged, raising an eyebrow at me. 

“Yes, really. It’s just like when I tricked my pet hamster into eating the pet food he absolutely hated. It’s all about using the difference in intelligence to your advantage.” I took my phone out of my pocket and shot Tori a quick text message telling her to pick me up at the small park in front of a small bakery named “O’Neil’s Baked Goods”. 

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