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"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."- Noelle, age 7


"Harry! Get your sorry arse down here!" Louis yells from outside of Harry's dorm building. Harry sticks his head out of the window, looking down five stories below at his boyfriend shuffling a football between his feet.

"I've got an exam to study for, Lou," Harry sighs, putting his chin in his hand. "Go play with Li, Zayn, and Niall."

"I want to play with you! Just an hour! You've got to take your nose out of those books at some time. Can't relive college, babe," Louis grins.

"I'm only coming down because everyone on campus can probably hear your loud mouth," Harry teases. Louis laughs loudly, and Harry swears he winks. He throws on a hoodie and puts on a pair of sneakers, running down the stairs. When he comes out of the front door, Louis is tackling him and kissing him hard. Harry laughs, wrapping his arms around his waist and picking him up.

"Hello to you too," Harry teases, putting him back on the ground.

"I was in it more for the kissing than for the footie," Louis admits with a cheeky grin. "C'mon, you need a break. I miss you."

"I know, these exams are kicking me arse though," Harry sighs, linking their hands together and walking to the quad.

"Hey, you're the one who wants to be a doctor," Louis says. "Weirdo."

"I just like helping people. And when our kids get sick we won't have to take them to a doctor, they'll have me."

"Kids?" Louis smiles up at him, shining like the sun. "How many are you thinking?"

"I don't know," Harry shrugs, blushing lightly. "I love kids. I mean, we haven't discussed them yet, I know it's early, but I'd like a big family?"

"I would, too," Louis says softly. "As many as you want."

"Yeah?" Harry grins, turning and pulling Louis in by the waist. "Even if I want 25?"

"Maybe, we'll see. I love kids as well, and if I get to have them with you, then that's great," Louis smiles.

"Good, I wasn't giving you the option."


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