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You make me stronger

and I have fallen in love

with the strength I found

-Tyler Knott Gregson

Louis and Harry have just started to cuddle again after a month of easing into it. Louis admits that he's missed this so much and holds him extra close. They haven't kissed except for quick forehead kisses or something in front of the kids, but Louis isn't read for it yet.

"Harry?" Louis asks softly, Harry's hand over his stomach with his own fingers intertwined.


"Do you want to start date night again?"

"Do you think you're ready for it?" Harry asks, pulling him a bit closer.

"I think we should start. Nothing too much, maybe just a movie or pizza but maybe some time away from the kids will be good," Louis says softly.

"Yeah, I think so too. We can start up on Friday's again, if you want. We can see that new Marvel movie," Harry suggests, and he's not even teasing. Louis is nearly forty but still loves Marvel comics and even though Harry isn't a huge fan, he always takes Louis.

"That would be great," Louis whispers. "Thanks."

"We'll eat with the kids and then go, yeah?"

"Sounds good."

"I love you," Harry murmurs, and Louis hasn't been able to say it casually anymore, not in that way he used to, so he just doesn't. He still loves Harry more than life itself, but he's afraid to say it. He doesn't want Harry to think that everything is okay, because it's far from it.

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