Our Love Will Be Remembered... (Ch 27)

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Chapter 27

And this takes us to the twelfth women I loved.


I feel bad just thinking her name…

She was the daughter of some senator. When I saw her once on the news, because she had almost been kidnapped because if her father’s position, I knew I wanted to be with her. The was something about the way she looked, strawberry blond hair, slim figure, confident posture, strength in her eyes, kindness on her lips…

But I doubted I would have a lot of luck with that one…

And that’s when I had probably one of my stupidest ideas of my life.

I decided to kidnap her myself.

For some reason, a Stockholm syndrome love felt very appealing to me. To be honest, I must have been madder then usual that day.

The organization part took longer then the time I actually spent with Coraline. I wanted things to be perfect, I didn’t want anything to go wrong, because god knew things could go wrong…

During that whole process, mad process might I had, I kept going over to my aunt often. I missed taking care of Irene so I wanted to take care of my aunt—she was getting old after all—but she was still going on strong and still looking after those kids so she barely needed my help.

After almost a year, Juliet still lived with my aunt.

She was almost eighteen—I had learned that she only looked younger than she was—and I couldn’t understand why she was still living there. Even though I liked having her around and talking with her, I knew she must be bored sometimes there. And there always was the possibility of having her father show up.

One day, when we were both reading, sitting on the swigging chair on the front porch I told her “You should leave, go study somewhere… travel!”

She had so many possibilities!

Not looking at me she had answered, her voice soft. “I’m happy here.”

“Please you can’t be happy. All you do is stay locked up all day long… your life is boring,” I had stated, my voice teasing, though in a way it was true. She wasn’t going to school anymore, and she was never going out… she was bound to be bored.

“My life is enough,” she had replied softly.

But that night before I left to go back to my apartment and my aunt had hugged me goodbye, she had whispered in my ear at the same time. “She waits for you, you know… That’s why she doesn’t want to leave here. She’s afraid she’ll never see you again if she leaves. That’s all she lives for, for the next time you will visit, for your next letter, for your next phone call…”

I had pondered over that thought all through the drive home.

But I had pushed all of it away the next day, because the next day would be the day.

The next day, I kidnapped my twelfth disastrous love Coraline.

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