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Hello reader,

today I will begin to tell you an extraordinary tale of a strange concept known as love. But first, allow me to tell you a little of our main character.

Derrick Fitzgerald was a kind man. In his late twenties with his whole life ahead of him.

The CEO of Fitz International; a distinguished company specializing in the export and invention of countless ventures; was his father.

Unfortunately the CEO of Fitz International and father to Derrick, had recently lost his battle to cancer, leaving all of his wealth in it's entirety, to his one and only child.

Derrick was, in his year, graduating from Brogan University with a masters degree in business, preparing to fill the shoes of his father who's standards he wished to someday live up too. Not knowing it would be so soon that those shoes needed to be filled.

He had ambitious wants in life; fame, fortune, authority; And had no time or place for so-called "love". That was until he met her.

But I'm getting a
Little bit ahead of myself aren't I?

Allow me (the distinguished narrator) to set the scene.

How shall we do this?

Ahh yes.

Once upon a time in the (albeit fictional) city of Broganshire, during a time resembling what in our world is known as the 1980s, lived two very different people.
One a wealthy businessman and bachelor of fine build and strict upbringing; the other, the humble, albeit, beautiful daughter of a lighthouse keeper; being it so, that Broganshire rested along the coast of the country to which owed it's respective homage.

In the natural world to which these two characters seemingly belonged, there would be no chance in their paths to ever cross. But this story is far from a natural one, as love is far from natural in itself.

It has been said; that Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear; the strength so strong mere force is feebleness: the truth more first than sun, more last than the stars.

In this particular case that statement is particularly true.

So therefor, with out further to do, I present to you a tale of love and hurt, joy and pain, and ultimately happiness...

I present you: When life gives you Love

When life gives you loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin