Chapter 4

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The door opened into the small room that seemingly served as both their kitchen and lounging room. Chairs scarcely surrounded a small, shaky oak table where Seri's father was passed out nearby, mumbling things that only a drunk could also understand.

The kitchen was all but bare, a few pots and pans among other miscellaneous cooking utensils lay strewn about the small stone countertop. Her mother was sitting in the corner of the room, knitting a small scarf from a tangled spool of grungy yellow string and yarn through subtle sobs.

Derrick took in the unsettling sight, seeing the grief of this once lively home. No one seemed to notice Derrick, nor pay attention to his entry.

"Pardon the mess"

Seri said in a saddened tone.

"We rarely have company anymore"

"It's beautiful"

The thought and words appeared at the same time, albeit not enough for him to think on aforementioned literation.

'Why would I say that?'

He thought to himself. A quaint smile peeked through the fallen hair of woman that stood before he.

"No need to lie sir."

She stepped to the counter and placed a small kettle on the stove top.

"My name is Derrick, by the way"


"That's a beautiful name"

That same quaint smile returned to her face.

"Thank you, it was my grandmother's"

An awkward minute passed as the kettle cooked 'till it blew it's whistle. Grabbing a cup, filling it with the molten water and placing in a small pouch of tea, she handed it to him and walked into an adjacent room in which he followed and sat atop a scuffed old stool.

"Thank you"

He said taking a quick sip, she nodded in response, as she sat on another stool nearby.

"So what brings you by our humble tower?"

The question tumbled in Derrick's brain for he knew not why he had journeyed there, but he decided to be as truthful as he was able.

"I was out for a walk, and was caught out in the rain by surprise"

"Well 'tis the rainy season, most folks would carry an umbrella"

She said with a smirk. He chuckled, as a large smile crossed his face

"Very true"

After a brief pause she continued,

"So Mr. Derrick"

"Please, just Derrick"

She again flashed her pure smile.

"Okay, Derrick, where do you come from?"

He pondered his response, knowing if he was truthful he might turn away this beautiful yet humble girl. He decided to take the story of his father as his own, as it seemed fitting.

"Born and raised in Westeroph"

The township from which his father had grown was a simple and small country village, far west of the main city, occupied by small farms and their keepers, 'twas a humble beginning to say the least.

"I have never been farther than the reaches of the city, is the country nice?"

"It's as vast and as beautiful as the ocean, with rolling waves of grassy hills and farmland which stretch for miles, it truly is a sight to behold"

She stared into his eyes in awe, as she imagined the green plains and clear blue skies, far from the busyness of the city. Looking off into the distance she said:

"I long to someday journey to the country, and breath the fresh air"

He smiled.

"I tend to prefer the fresh sea air"

A sour expression came upon her,

"Sea air?"

She exclaimed,

"Nothing but salt and pollution from the city, I'd hardly call it fresh"

He let off a hardy laugh, which forced a smile to her face.

He sipped the last of the tea in his cup, and she stood from her seat.

"Come, would you like to see the light?"

"I'd love too."

They retraced their steps to the base of the spire and began to journey up, by this time the torrents had let off and the skies had opened to reveal the blue sky, though somewhat tainted yellow by the city.

They ascended the steps and Derrick watched as the many paintings and pictures on the wall spiraled down by him.

"Have you ever been inside of a lighthouse before?"

"Can't say that I have"

They crested the summit of the twirling staircase and entered into the large Light Room, where a twinkling star sat spinning in the middle.

"Wow, you can see everything up here!"

He exclaimed


She said shutting down the light since the storm had broken.

"This is where I come to think... And breath"

"I can see why"

Seri sat down on a small bench that was attached to the wall under the glass of the Light Room, overlooking the dense city.

Cars driving, horns honking, people shouting, the usual ambiance to come from such a populated hub of activity as their city. On the other side of the room, the breathtaking view of the sea filled derricks vision in entirety.

"It's beautiful"

"Yes, it's not so bad... But enough about this place. What do you do for a living?"

He felt that saying that he owned the largest company for hundreds of miles around would sound slightly unbelievable and precariously overwhelming, especially after his apparent origin. So he decided upon a more humble occupation.

"I'm- a- salesman"

He's said dignified.

"My father was a farmer and I sell his crops"

She gazed upon him curiously.

"He was a farmer?"

Derrick's gaze slowly fell to the hard oak floor boards.

"He passed away recently"

"I'm so sorry"

She uttered softly, then continued;

"Loosing those we love is the hardest struggle this life has to offer"

Her eyes followed his to the ground in remembrance of her brother.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2016 ⏰

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