Chapter 2

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The soft and gentle voice came from that of a head of red hair.

"What'd ya want?"

An angered man said in a drunken stupor that acted as a response. The girl, who this man seemingly owed parentage, was taken aback as her heart fell at his cold words.

"We- we're running low on milk and several other foods. I was thinking of running to the store to pick up some groceries..."

"Then what'r yah talking to me fer?"

"I was wondering if I could borrow some money-"

Her sentence was cut short as the drunk hurled his bottle towards a nearby wall, where it splattered what contents it had left, as though a wave had violently crashed against a bed of vertical sea rock.

"I give ya a roof to live under... I pay for ever'thing ya need... Me! And what do you do? Complain! Why don't you go out and work for a change!"

"I- I..."

The girl stuttered through welling tears.

"Ye and ya mother both..."

The bitter creature that was her father, looked down into his now empty hands, his eyes closed.

He crossed his arms and tucked them in upon themselves creating an engulfing tomb for him to rest his head and return to the memories that haunted him so.

The girl struggled with all of her worth to fight back the ensuing flood about to erupt from her already tear drenched eyes, she hastily stood up from the small wooden stool she had adorned with herself, and quickly made her exit.

Serenity Gev, Daughter of Martian and Meredith Gev, was a sweet and caring individual assuming the bright age of twenty-four. Raised in moderate poverty, she learned to enjoy and live for the calm, peaceful, and simple things in life, such as were love and compassion.

She was a beautiful specimen to be born of lowly upbringing, her long flaming hair was rumored to strike lower things than love into the most hardened individual and it was said that her deep blue eyes were as endless oceans beckoning all to her.

Yes, in truth her beauty was rivaled by that of few, and her heart and good spirits turned stone to tears. Albeit many a man deemed he worthy her suitor, however her father gravely disagreed for he wished only the best for his Seri. (the name by which she was endearingly called by those close)

Seri was an only child as of late, due to the tragic and untimely passing of her elder brother who had drowned not 3 years prior, in the same waters her father kept watch. He, though a good and honest man, blamed himself for his son's passing, and took to the devil that was his bottle.

Seri scuttled swiftly out the door past the deep and hallowing tower that was her father's lighthouse and out into the small dirt yard that lay beyond. Try as she might, she was incapable of holding back the flood waters from rushing forth and her sparkling eyes burst in a torrential downpour of her tears. She backed against the small White House which adorned the lighthouse and slowly slide down into the dirt below.

Her tears could not be stopped by any rational thought she forced upon herself. and so, as the only thing she could imagine to do in her state, she cried.

The time was in the late afternoon and a cool breeze drifted by as the sun tucked behind the expansive waters like a small child being tucked into bed for the night by a caring mother.

Seri was strong, as strong as anyone her age of masculine or feminine nature alike. But everyone breaks down to their more sensitive emotions at some designated point whether be it admitted or otherwise. For Seri, this was that point. Her father used to be a loving and kind man before the incident but had since turned into a heartless fiend, not caring for the likes of anyone, much less his Daughter or wife who had of recent fallen ill.

'Be strong'

She almost heard the winds say as they blew by, and of course by this she knew was only but a thought. Though it lifted her spirt nevertheless.

Be strong.

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