5.The decision

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Liam in his suit♡♡

Still Liam's POV

I woke up to the smell of my mom's coffee. "Morning son" " morning mom" "quick go and bath. Breakfast will be served in a while" "okie dokie".

After having a quick shower and putting on my suit and spiking my hair and spraying some perfume and also looking myself in the mirror, i went to look for my mom. Its time to tell her.

"Mom i.." "come and take a seat son. Food first talk later" whats with people interrupting me when i wanna talk.jeez..but i agree with my mom.Food is always first.After finishing my toast and coffee,i told my mom"mom i agree with this whole wedding thing but don't expect me to accept her straight away.I will treat her like i want to." "Owh sweetheart i am so happy for you.. trust me you will love her. Thank you so much." I hugged my mom. Glad that she is happy but then i am curious about this girl i am getting married to. I know nothing about her. "Ok mom i better get moving or else i will be late" "Liam, you are already an hour early and your ride to your office is only going to take 20 minutes" "hahahaha..well what if i drive like a tortoise and reach the office late." "You and your silly reason. By the way you must be wondering about how Lina looks like right?" "Who is Lina?" "Owh sorry son. I forgot. She is your future wife." "Owh whats her full name?" "Lina Cheapismore" "Lina Chipsmore??" "No you silly.Cheapismore. Here is the pic of hers.And one more thing, your wedding is next week" I just took it and shove it inside my briefcase without even looking at it.." i have to go mom. See you later." " wait did you heard what i just said. " "after all this happened, you still want me to be surprised about it? Nop i don't think so.bye mom. I am getting late" she just stared at me but nodded anyway. On the way to my office,i couldn't stop thinking.I am getting married next week!!NEXT FREAKING WEEK!! This is insane!!

I reached my office on time or earlier i should say. It was still early,so many of my workers are not there yet. I went to my room and settled down on my chair. I remembered the pic my mom gave so i took it out and looked at it. "Wow." She is so beautiful and..and looks innocent. Her eyes are so mesmerizing..her lips is so..
"Good morning sir"  My moment was doomed!

I cleared my throat and put the pic back in my briefcase." Good morning Rosy." "This is your schedule for today sir. You have 2 meetings today to attend" when she passed the files she purposely touched my hand. When i looked at her she smiled at me flirtatiously. You disgust me bitch! With thick make up that makes me wanna puke.

"Rosy whats wrong with your eyes? Did someone punched you? Whats with your lips? Why is it swollen and red? Tough night huh?" She was shocked. "Err..thats..thats my make up sir." "Owh sorry. My mistake" she just left after that.Good.I am so done with all her flirty thingy.But one face keep on popping at the back of my mind.Lina something more.She is so beautiful and so..ok i should stop and focus on my work.

Lina's POV

I was so lazy to get up but i know i have chores to do.So i forced myself up and finished all my morning duties. I was on my way to the kitchen when Melinda called me to talk.So i followed her to the garden. "I heard you have agreed for the wedding?" I just nod..nothing else to say. Nothing is going to change if i tell her the truth too." My son agreed too.Lina please don't be mad at me." "Why didn't you find any other way to save me from this hell?" I was on the verge of tears already. "I owe your parents and also your aunt long time ago. I can't just bring you out of here like that and break thier hearts. But i can't just leave you here too.I felt this is the best way to keep you closer to me." "What if your son don't like me? I..I" i cried. I am such a cry baby. "You have to make him like you then. My son had never brought a girl back home or neither did he went out with a girl before. So he will have some difficulties to adapt with this situation.same goes to you.So you have to try, both of you have to try and make this work. He might be a bit arrogant but I hope you can change him. I will be always there to help you both. No worries honey. Fo now here is a pic of him. I will leave you to think." I was left alone in the garden.I wiped my tears and promised to myself. Maybe i should try.besides i will be getting out of this hell and that is what matters the most. I will love my husband no matter what just like my mom loved my dad.  I then looked at the pic in my hand..My goodness who is this greek god.He is hot as hell! His jaw his lips..Lina are you crazy..since when you started to think like this. Ok i better go and do my chores. Hope so everything will be fine.

So thats all for now.
Hope you like it. Next will be the wedding! :) I am trying to finish this story before my class starts next week.

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