21.The kidnap

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Thank you so much guys. 1K readers!!!! Thanks for the support and sorry for the late update. Things are still not right for me now.

Lina's POV

Three months had passed after the police arrested my aunt and uncle. My life is so much wonderful now. I am about 4 months along now and my baby bumb is obvious already. My love for Liam had never fade.
He is so caring. He never lets me do chores when he is at home and i end up being lazy and fat. He is at work now and i miss him so much already. I was so bored so i was playing with my chain around my neck. Suddenly i felt like eating ice cream. I couldn't wait till Liam comes back. I wanna eat ice cream so badly. May be i can walk a little and go and buy at the shop nearby.

I walked slowly and bought the ice cream. When i was walking back home, i realized Liam is back. He was standing near his car and was glaring at me. Shit! He seems to be so furious. And just then, a mini van approached and i was pulled inside. I struggled to escape and i was slapped hard. Everything became dark.

When i woke up, i was tied and there were two guys..wait boys.. i don't know but they acted wierdly. I looked around and quickly figured out what place is this. My house! The kidnappers wasn't aware that i was awake. They were fighting about something, their voice is so annoying. " would you shut up!!" They were startled. "She is awake. We are sorry" one of them said. Sorry?? Kidnappers say sorry? " dude look. She is pregnant just like what the leader suspected." Leader? "No i am not. I am just fat. I eat a lot you know. My ass is also big. My eyes are also big sometimes." They just nod. Are they really kidnappers? They look like dummies. "Your brea..." "shut up! Behave boys" "sorry" i am kidnapped by some dummies and i couldn't do anything about it. "so why am i here?" Suddenly the door opened and in came...the devils!!! "Well hello honey. Having fun with your new life after ruining ours" she had a saw in her hand. That frightens me. "Wh..what are y..you do..doing here?" "Well we decided to pay a visit. And also kill you" "no pl..please. Don't do me like this." "Yes that is what we wanna hear from you. Beg us. What is the gender of your baby?" I kept quiet. "In that case, i guess we need to find out on our own." They approached me and i screamed and tried to escape. They punched and slapped me on my face hard. And i could taste my blood. I could feel darkness starting to overtake me but i cannot faint now.

Suddenly i heard the door being opened forcefully. "Liam.." i said weakly. The police were there too. They arrested the devils and Liam came to me and once he untied me, i fell in his arms unconscious.

When i woke up, i was in the hospital. My whole body hurts especially my face. I remembered the events that happened and i started sobbing. I felt a strong pair of arms wrapping me. It was Liam." Shush baby. Your are safe. Both of you are. I am here with you." "They tried to kill the baby" " we have stopped them right? They will learn their lesson. They will not bother us anymore. Don't cry please." "I wanna go home." "You need to stay here today baby." "No i don't want to. I am scared. Please bring me back home." "Ok..ok. i will go talk to the doctor."

The doctor agreed with me going back but that means Liam can't go to work. He was so okey with that. Once we were at home, we curled up together on bed. He made sure he didn't hurt me. I just fell asleep. When i woke up, Liam wasn't beside me and i panicked. I started screaming and he ran out of the toilet towards me." Baby why? Are you feeling any pain.?" I hugged him and sobbed. "No. I tought you left me." "I won't baby. I just wanted to use the toilet." But still i hugged him tight like i was going to lose him. Then i asked him. "Why weren't they in the prison? How did you find me? Why did you came back early?" "No questions now. I want you to rest now baby." "Please i want to know." I kissed his lips. " you are bribing me to know huh?" I just looked down. "Fine i will tell you but you are going back to bed after this story telling session. When i was at the office, i received a call from the police saying the devils had escaped. So, i wanted to come back and check on you but when i came back, you was not at home. I panicked and just when i was thinking what to do next, i saw you walking. Truth to be told, i was so angry. Baby where did you went?" "Sorry. I wanted to eat ice cream so badly. So i went to the shop nearby to get it." "You could have told me this morning baby. I could have bought it for you." "But i wasn't craving in the morning. Can you scold me later? Continue with the story" " so eager huh? Then...then...then what happened was....." i pouted. He is doing it purposely. "Ok..ok..i called the police once you were kidnapped. I know it must be the devils' work. I lost track at some point when i was following you. Thank god i fixed a tracking chip in your chain. So with that i found you just on time." "In my chain??? A tracking chip??" "Don't get me wrong baby. Before the police took them away when they got arrested, they threathened me. So i was worried about you. Because you are alone here when i am at work. So i took your chain when you were sleeping and set the chip inside." "Whoa.. i don't even know" "yeah because you sleep like a dead person baby." I pouted again and he stole a kiss. "Ok story time is over. Sleeping time baby." He kissed my forehead and tummy. He sat beside till i was asleep. Which could have been only around 5 minutes because sleep overtook me quickly.

The next few days Liam took care of me till i was able to move myself. He still complained when i started roaming in the house at night saying i was still weak but the truth is i was super okey and he wants me to glue myself to him if possible.

Thats all for now. Thank you for reading and voting. Vote if you like it. :)

My Arrogant Husbandजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें