12.Happy and sad

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Melinda's pic above.

Lina's POV

Three months had passed by and he is still being so distant to me. What did i do? All of this started when i cried during the game. You screwed this Lina. Its all your fault.

I was cooking for lunch.Mom is not at home. She went to meet her sister. And Liam is definitely at work. Even at home he was always busy with work. Why don't you just get married with your work? I never gave up to get closer to him in this past three months but all he does was run away from me. The female devil was so right about messing my life. I hope she will rot in hell for all that she have done. Suddenly i felt so dizzy.i stopped my work and sat on the chair. Maybe i was thinking too much. Ok now i feel like throwing up. Ughh whats wrong. I ran to the toilet and throwed up everything that i had for breakfast. I just drank a cup of water and continued my work.

I somehow managed to finish cooking with all those dizziness feeling. Something isn't right with me. I could feel it. This past few days i was feeling so weak. Maybe i should go see a doctor.

After having my lunch alone, i took a cab and went to the hospital. I had to undergo a few tests and what the doctor said shocked me. "Congratulations! You are pregnant." "Pr..pregnant?" "Yes. You are three weeks along" "thank you doctor".

I reached home and still was shocked. Three weeks and i didn't even know. Woah!! It shows how much you care about yourself Lina. Ok how am i going to tell him this? What will be his comeback? But for me, i am happy. I am going to be a mother!!! Excitement overloaded.
Oh wait. I know. His birthday is in two days. Maybe this can be his surprise gift. Yes. Till then i have to make sure i act normal. I put my hand on my belly and whisphered " baby be good ok. Just two more days and i will introduce you to daddy"

I finished showering and went downstairs to watch the television while waiting for mom and Liam to come back. Its wierd though. Mom should be home by now. Where is she? Is she staying at her sister's house? I stopped wondering when i heard the bell. It was Liam.I smiled at him and he just looked blankly at me. Can't you even smile? Jeez..
" mom is not back yet. She should be by now. Does she call you or something?" "No" thats it. He went upstairs. Why so rude idiot!!  I feel like crying because he is not paying attention to me.Oh my hormones!!

I just sticked my butt on the couch and continued watching my favourite show. I was so tired and i didn't even do anything yet.
I was half asleep when i heard Liam running downstairs and pulling me. "Wait careful. The bab.." i just shut. That was close.   " whats wrong? Where are we going? Are you ok?" " just shut up ok" he pushed me into the car. And started to drive the car fast like really fast. Are you drifting? " arghhh.." he almost hit a car. He looks sad though. What is wrong damn it!! "Please drive slowly. You are scaring me" i said with teary eyes. " i said shut up!!"  He yelled at me. I just cried. He looks like a possessed devil.

Finally we reached the hospital. Wait hospital? He knows? Is he mad because i didn't tell him? Thats why his eyes look red? Just for that? Dude who is the baby now? I get down anyway and followed him. " will you please tell me whats wrong? I am in my pajamas and everyone is giving me wierd stares as if i am insane" he glared at me. I swear if he glared a bit more, his eyes are gonna drop. "Mom.." "ok. Whats wrong with mom?" I still don't get it.i gave him a questioning look. " you bloody slow learner, mom is involved in an accident and her condition is not good" Doom!! Everything is clear now. I couldn't think properly. How can this happen?  I followed Liam to the intensive care unit where she was being treated. When we asked the doctor he just shook his head and left. Nooo. She can't leave me like this. All this while she was giving me motivation and that made me strong to face Liam. Now...
Both of us went to see her and i could tell she was in a lot of pain. There is no more beautiful smile on her face. She looks so weak. Liam hugged her and cried. This is the first time i am seeing him like this and it breaks my heart. I cried too.
" Lina can i talk to Liam alone " she couldn't even speak well. "yea..hh sure" i went out.
" Liam honey.. please don't hurt Lina like this. I had a reason why i wanted you to marry her in the first place. I know she can take care of you well when i am gone. Treat her well. She deserves it . You don't know how much she have suffered. Ask her to tell you about it. Take care of yourself and also Lina." "Mom don't talk like this. You are gonna be ok." "Listen son. I know my time has come." " no.. no mom.." "just please listen to me. I want to talk to Lina now. Ask her to come in." " sure mom"

I was waiting outside and Liam came all of a sudden. " mom is calling you". I run inside and stand by her side
" Lina no matter what happens, please don't leave Liam. Trust me. He loves you a lot. I can see it in his eyes. Just give him some time. He is just confused. Please take care of him for me" " mom don't tell like that please. I want you to be by my side. I want you to be in our baby's life. I want you to guide me to be a good mom just like you." She looked my belly with tears in her eyes. "You are pregnant?" I nodded crying. " too bad i can't be with you. But i know you will be a great mom." She touched my belly. "You are lucky sweetheart. You have got  a good mom and dad." " mom please. I can't take it anymore. Don't say that. We want you to be with us longer." "But god loves me more honey. You will be alright. I will be by your side always just like your parents. Now please call Liam in." I called Liam and he came running inside and stood beside me. She took my hand and put on Liam's hand. "Be together forever. You are made for each other. You just need to realise that. Owwww.." we both panicked. "Mom whats wrong. Liam call the doctor. Quick! Mom stay with me." The doctor came in with Liam and we were sent outside while he checked her. After a while the doctor came out. " I am sorry Mr.Liam but we couldn't save her." Both of us run inside crying. So this is how my day should be? I just knew today that i was pregnant and now i lost mom.

Many people came for the burial the next day. Liam was crying. Same goes to me. His aunt took care of everything regarding the burial. I just sat in a corner crying alone just like i did for my parents.

The house felt lonely without her presence. I pitied Liam. His birthday is tommorow and he lost his mom. He doesn't want anyone around. He skipped his meals. Well i did too. But soon realised it is a mistake. I need to be strong for the baby and for Liam. He stayed in mom's room while i just stayed in the living room. I know i have to do something to cheer him up. So i decided to make him food to eat. I will make sure he get through this.

So thats all. I don't know for you guys but i was kinda sad when i wrote this chapter. It somehow reminds me of my family member who passed away in the hospital 2 years back. Anyways thanks for reading. Hope you like it. Do vote if you like it.

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