10. Kissing game

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Lina's POV

I woke up when I felt something nuzzling my neck. Ok it was someone not something. It was Liam nuzzling my neck!!! "Morning" "mo..morning" what the heck is he doing down here . He should be on his bed. Ok time to escape. I slowly moved myself further from him and get up but i was pulled by him. "No escape sweetheart. Its way too early. We still have time." He started to kiss my neck. Oh no. I pushed him and he pulled me even closer and kissed my lips. I struggled for a while but soon i find myself enjoying his kiss. It was much more passionate than before. My body started to react to his touch. I could feel my face heat up when he looked at me. "Awww.. you are blushing. To be honest, i feel like fu**ing you now but lets just play a different game." This guy is crazy!!              " wh..what game?" "Its called the kissing game. You make mistake i will kiss you." "What if you make mistake? " "yeah if you make mistake i will kiss you" "no i mean what if you make the mistake? " "that is what i am saying if you make the mistake i will kiss you." "No.." owh wait trying to act smart huh? Wait and see. " what if i make the mistake?" "Sweetheart i will kiss you" i glare at him. And he kissed me. " glaring is a mistake.so i kissed you" "what? Its not fair. I don't want to play this game." "But i want to. Ok put it in this way. I will do something and if you move even a bit, you will be kissed.deal?" Gulp! Why i don't have a good feel about this. But i know i can't escape from this too.  "De..deal but please don't do anything extreme." "I will try. Game starts now" i remained as still as possible. He moved his hand from my face slowly to my neck. Owh my god. Its so ticklish. Thank god he moved his hand quickly. Next, he started to unbutton my pajama shirt. Not good. I wanted to move so badly. He stopped after two buttons and moved further downwards to my  belly and down and reached my private part. The incident that night suddenly pop out in my mind and i couldn't stop shivering and i moved. " i won." He was on top of me in a second and kissed me longer this time. I ruined the moment by crying.

" hey whats wrong?" He used his thumb and wiped my tears. "Did i hurt you?" "N..no.I am ju..just sca..scared of yo..u". He had an unexplainable expression on his face and without saying a word he stand and went to the gym. Is he mad? What should i do? May be i should let him alone for some time. I looked at the time and it was already time for me to wake up. I went and had my shower. I can't deny that his kiss was indeed unforgetable. He is gentle but i don't know what makes him arrogant sometimes. He seems to be confused by himself. Is it because of something that aunt Rina told him?

As usual after i was done with my shower, i went to the kitchen to make his coffee and once i reached the room, i realised he was still in the gym. Maybe i should talk to him. I went inside the gym and when he saw me he stopped working out and looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I felt so guilty. " i am sorry if i made you mad just now." He looked at me and came closer. He kissed me once again passionately. It was as if he was trying to apologize. It was so gentle. Then he just broke the kiss and went. I stood there wondering what had just happened.

Liam's POV

She said she was scared of me. I scare her. Just like how my dad scares my mom. I don't wanna be like him. To be honest i am actually falling for her. I don't know about her though. She must be hating me for sure. I guess i should stay away from her from now onwards.I bath and get ready. I had my breakfast as quick as possible and went to work.

I was doing my work when i heard a knock on the door. "Come in" " morning sir. You look good today" again she tries to flirt. " morning Rosy.  You look bad today." Well every day.
Her smile fades away but she still tries. " would you like to have any drink sir? I can make it for you" " no i don't. Rosy why are you here?" "Err i just came to check on you sir" " done checking?" "Err ye..yeah" " now get out!" "Ok sir" she looked down and walked out. She is so annoying.

Suddenly someone just barged into my room. It was Ben." Yo bro. Whats up. Why is Rosy's face so dull" "dull? Does that make up face looks dull to you?" "Yeah. You know she has the perfect face for a movie cover" "what movie? " " horror movie"  both of us were laughing. Ben stopped and asked me " so how is it going between you and your wife? I can smell something bad already" "i know you can smell gossips always. I just don't know man. I think i made the wrong decision by marrying her. I ruined her life.  The more i try to hate her the more i am attracted to her. She said she is scared of me." "Hmmm..then don't try to hate her. I know you are falling for her. Don't you? " " I..I..I am falling for her. But i can't forget what her aunt told me either." "You know what, you are actually scared that she will leave you one day. " " ughhh.. i really don't wanna think about this now. So why are you here?" "I was free . So i thought maybe I could hang out with you and go for lunch together before getting back to work" "when are you going to find a girl for yourself? Stop messing with the girls around and stick to one. You are not getting younger." "Yes dad.thanks for your advice."

I went for lunch with Ben and continued with my meetings and work. I was cleaning my things when i heard someone knocking the door. It must be Rosy. I was right. It was her. " whats the matter Rosy? " " sir i want to remind you about your three days trip to New york" "oh yes. We are going tommorow right? Make sure you prepare all the files. Thanks for reminding. You may leave now" "welcome sir"

I got back home and find out mom was not at home. "Mom went to her sister's house for a week." I just nod. " pack my clothes for three days. I am going on a bussiness trip tommorow." "Okey" thats all i busied myself doing my work and she didn't disturb me at all. Thank god! We ate together for dinner. Still in silence. Then, i went to bed early. We should remain in this way. So that no one gets hurt.

So Liam decided to maintain distance. Lets see what happens next. Thanks for reading . Do vote if you like.:)

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