Chapter 7 - Something Special

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The synthetic molar still felt a little strange inside her mouth, but on balance, Codi decided it had definitely been worth it. She'd spent a day under observation in the on-site medical centre to make sure she hadn't developed a concussion, but her natural resilience held her in good stead. All she had to show for her trouble was a hefty bruise and a fake tooth.

So training continued uninterrupted. If Bronagh Llewellyn noticed the mark on Codi's jaw she didn't let on. She seemed to be satisfied with the resolution that had been struck.

Gareth was still far from her friend, but Codi noticed a slight and unmistakable alteration in his attitude. He could still be surly; argumentative, but he no longer made snide comments behind her back. He'd treated her with a begrudging respect since they'd returned from the tackle-ball match. He began applying himself more directly to the training exercises and the results were immediate. The whole of group Cyan found their rhythm under the firm hand of Thradd Winters' leadership without internal conflict distracting them. Codi marvelled at how quickly the group of untested children transformed into a unit of ferocious combatants.

People were more accepting of Leela now, too, having seen her invited onto a team with the academy's best fighters. The tackle-ball game had done wonders for her credibility and status among the other recruits. Privately, Codi still had serious doubts about the girl's fighting capability– she was still the same slight, timid individual that she had been before – but she kept them to herself.

On they plunged through a merciless training schedule and in a matter of weeks free sparring became a staple part of their routine. It would still be some time before Gauntlet exoskeletons were issued but that didn't stop the instructors arming their pupils up in practice suits and letting them clobber the hell out of each other.

Codi established herself quickly as the premier contender from group Cyan. Although Gareth was a wily and competent fighter, she had natural ferocity and sheer determination on her side. She beat everyone in free sparring, dishing out plenty of punishment and encouraging advice where she could. The role of mentor was not one she wanted, but every now and again it felt wrong to just shut up after watching someone make a crippling and totally avoidable mistake. She found she was almost a second coach to Leela.

A month after the tackle-ball game Codi arrived at the academy like she did every morning, bussed in with a host of regulars from her building. They went through the motions, gearing up in the gendered locker rooms and filing into the cavernous Battlecast gymnasium. What waited for them today, however, was very different. Codi stopped and stared.

An enormous racecourse now dominated the centre of the room, a circular arrangement easily four hundred metres in circumference. And this was no ordinary race course. This one was filled with obstacles from whirling arms of machinery to pendulums, moving floors, water pits, stun traps and floating platforms. It looked like a mad scientist's toy train set.

"What in the world?" she murmured.

"Training for the Mayhems," Ripple explained. "You'll see."

Codi didn't doubt her. She fell into step with the crowd of recruits as they split off into their respective groups. Once they'd gathered with their instructors they stood in a perfect semi-circle facing Bronagh Llewellyn. She stood on a raised plinth at the start of the course and a thin smile of amusement tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"Good morning, everyone," she boomed, her powerful voice echoing around the gymnasium. "Those of you who are returning will know what is about to happen. Those who are new, I will explain it to you." Codi felt the head instructor's gaze sweep over her like a wave of fire.

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