Chapter 42 - Something Personal

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 Beating Chalyze Bamber in the first singles round had proved that Codi's reputation was more than warranted. Her next match, however, took on far greater significance in the eyes of the Gauntlet world. Although on pure results it looked to be a mismatch, the coming encounter had a history that elevated it above all others taking place that day.

Codi's next opponent was Max Lannigan.

Max had upset the number seventeen seed from Nebula to book a place in the second round, a feat that had the journalists drooling over the prospect of a grudge match between him and his old Brax-Delta team-mate.

Luck had kept them from clashing in the knockouts last year, but now that the confrontation loomed before her, Codi didn't know how to feel about it. A year ago they'd been friends, but since their old academy closed its doors they'd fallen out of contact. Now she had to view him as just another obstacle on the road to her Gauntlet championship. Any other attitude was unacceptable, both to her academy and to her.

Her mind flashed back to that strange interview he'd given before the knockouts had gotten underway. Was it confidence born of ignorance? But how could he be ignorant of what she could do? They'd spent the better part of a year fighting side-by-side. Was he just trying to play mind games? If so, he was in for a rude surprise.

Thradd Winters walked with her as they navigated the storm of reporters that lined the passages to the Arena entrance, their camera drones tracking her like persistent metal flies, voices chattering incessantly in her ears.

"He might have been your team mate before," Thradd said quietly, guiding her with hands on her shoulders. "But this kid threw down a challenge for you in those interviews. He knew he was good enough to get here, and he thinks because you used to fight together, he's got some kind of an edge." He pulled her to a stop, looking her in the eye. "That's where he's wrong, isn't he?"

"You bet," Codi told him firmly, seething at the notion that Max thought he had some kind of psychological advantage just because they'd spent a single year at the same academy. "He's trying to mess with the wrong girl."

"Glad to hear it." He jerked his head to one side to avoid the swoop of a camera drone, face pinching in annoyance. "Just go in there and do what you do best. On paper this kid's got no chance."

"More than just on paper." Codi cracked her fists together twice, feeling a reassuring vibration pass through the exoskeleton from the force.

They mercifully cleared the incessant din of the crowds, emerging into the relative quiet of the main arena corridor. The doors waited, looming and inviting all at the same time. Beyond them was just another opponent – one more step on the climb to the ultimate prize. She turned to face Thradd rolling her neck from side to side to loosen up. Then she gave him a predatory smile.

"Hope you're ready for a highlight reel," she told him. "This might get ugly."

"As long as you win."

"Count on it."

Five minutes later she was stalking out into the glare of the arena, the roar of the Battlecast faithful blazing in her ears.

The dark bowl they would be fighting in yawned out in front of her, and it was dominated by a whirling construct of arms and spheres. It took Codi a moment to realise that it was a gigantic mechanised model of the Solar System. Centred on an enormous golden globe, nine enormous upward curving spars of solid metal spun lazily, each one thick enough for a car do drive along and mounted with a sphere depicting the various planets. Codi didn't remember all the names – she'd never bothered to learn them. This display was more for the benefit of local fans than anyone else.

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