6. Sharpay

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Bri's P.O.V

"Is Sharpay really, really mad at us?" Me and Gabi asked "we said we were sorry."

"Look no on has beaten out Sharpay." Taylor told us "since kindergarten, especially with her brother." Both of them then looked at me.

"Look, I wasn't trying to beat anyone out." Gabi stressed. "We didn't even audition, we were just singing."

"You won't convince Sharpay of that." Taylor told her "I'm telling you, if that girl could figure out a way to play both Romeo and Juliet, her own brother would be aced out of a job."

"I told you, it just happened. But I liked it..a lot." Gabi told us "did you ever feel like there's a whole other person inside you just looking nice for a way to come out?"

"Not really, no." Taylor told her whole shaking her head.

Taylor then laughs to lighten the mood and me and Gabi laughed a weak laugh along with her. Then the bell started ringing signaling that lunch was over.

"Let's go." Taylor told us.


"What's that?" I asked as Gabi was reading a note that fell or of her locker.

"Nothing, it's from Troy." She said "I'll see you later."

She then put the note in her locker and closed the locker door. She then walked off "okay then." I said to myself.

"I never took you to be someone who talks to there self." Ryan told me walking up to me.

"Shouldn't you be with your angry sister?" I asked him "you know she'll be more angry if she sees you with me."

"Actually she's doing something to her clothes. Then going to her locker. We've got time." He told me

"So how are we going to rehearse?" I asked him "I mean you're sister will be angry if your with me at all. I don't see how it's gonna work."

"It will work." He told me

"Sure," I said sarcastically "no body can keep anything from Sharpay."

"Maybe not. But maybe where I'm her brother we can keep it hidden easier." He said

I rolled my eyes "you're not gonna give up are you?"

"No." He stated

"Fine, text me when." I told him then walked off.


"You've been spying on Troy and Gabriella!" I exclaimed to Ryan.

"Only when we hear them sing!" He defended

"That's kind of messed up don't you think?" I told him

"No, not really." He said

"What? Have you been keeping tabs on me to for Sharpay?" I snapped

"What? No, every time this topic comes up I try to avoid mentioning you to Sharpay." He told me

"Why? Why keep me safe from your crazy sister?" I asked him opening my locker.

"Because-" he started but stopped

"Because?" I questioned

"I have to go." Is all he said then walked away.

I let out a frustrated sigh then slammed my locker closed. I have got to get rid of this feeling for Ryan. He doesn't like me like that. He doesn't and never will. I sighed and headed to where Gabriella was practicing.



Chapter 6 complete! I hope you enjoy this chapter and the book!

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