7. The Truth

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Bri's P.O.V

"Everything okay?" Gabi asked me as she walked into my room.

"No, Gabi." I sighed

"What's wrong Bri?" She asked

"I like Ryan," I told her and she gave me a small smile "but I don't think he likes me."

"Why not?" She asked confused

"Because, I mean-we haven't even had time to rehearse together." I told her "and he's barely been talking to me."

"Well, you also don't know how hard it is for him to get away from Sharpay." Gabi told me

She had a point, I mean he has to sneak away from Sharpay to even talk to me. And if sneaking away is anything like being around her then we all know how hard that is. But I still have hope me and Ryan will be able to rehearse some.

"Don't give up on him yet," Gabi told me "he might have a special time for you all to rehearse."

I nodded and she walked out. I just hope she's right.


Ryan's P.O.V

"Something isn't right." Sharpay stopped me by grabbing my arm and pulling me to the chemistry room door.

"They must be trying to figure out a way to make sure Troy and Gabriella beat us out. The jocks rule most of the school, but if they get Troy into the musical, they've conquered the entire student body." I whispered to her

"And if this science girls get Gabriella hooked up with Troy Bolton, the scholastic club goes from drool to cool." She said

"Ryan, we need to save our show from people who don't know they difference between a tony award and tony hawk." She told me "you've already quit talking to Brianna right?"

"Uh, yeah?" I told her in like a question


Bri's P.O.V

"Hey, Bri, I'm heading to Chemistry room." Gabi told me

"Okay," I replied "I'll be there soon, I just got to go to my locker."

She nodded and I went to my locker. I opened my locker and checked my phone first thing to see I had a message from Ryan.

From: Ryan

Meet me in the music room

I walked to the music room (this is while the ball team is talking to Troy and the decathlon team are talking to Gabriella about Troy and show her the camera.)

I slowly backed up when I heard Ryan and Sharpay talking.

"You told me you quit talking to her!" I heard Sharpay snap at Ryan

"I didn't. But I will." Ryan told her

Wait, that can't be right. He said he wanted to do the musical with me. Now he's talking about ditching me completely

"Good, so you're gonna stop talking to her?" Sharpay asked Ryan just to be sure.

"Yeah, I'll stop talking to her." Ryan said

"Good, you'll tell her that you don't like her and you felt sorry for her. And that you don't wanna do the musical with her any more." Sharpay told him

"Okay," he sighed

"That should be easy right?" Sharpay asked "you don't like her do you?"

"No, I don't like her." Ryan told Sharpay.

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