8. Apologize

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Bri's P.O.V

It was lunch time and I had just now got my tray. I wonder is Gabi is sitting with Taylor and them? Guess I have to walk down there and find her. I need to talk to Kelsi about something for my sister. Which means I have to go to Ryan and Sharpay's table.

I made it to Ryan and Sharpay's table and I was glad to see that the two of them wasn't there yet.

"Hey, Kelsi." I greeted lowly

"Hi." She greeted

"I just wanted to tell you that Gabriella and I won't be singing. Gabi wanted me to tell you, after everything." I told her

She nodded and continued eating. I got up and started leaving only to come face to face with Ryan and Sharpay. Sharpay gave me a disgusted look and walking away. Ryan was going to start talking but I went around him and walked down the steps.

I seen that Troy and Gabi crossed paths, Troy looked like he was going to start a conversation but Gabi walked around him. I seen she wasn't sitting with the decathlon. I walked over to the table she was sitting at and joined her.

I seen that Troy didn't even sit with the team either. You see the only difference between me and Ryan and my sister and Troy. Is that Troy and Gabi are actually to hurt to sit with there actual teams, with me and Ryan it's only me who feels like that.


Me and Gabi were writing equations and such on the board of the chemistry room.

"Gabriella, Brianna, we were jerks." Taylor started

Me and Gabi looked at each other confused on where they were going with this.

"No, we were worse than jerks because we were mean jerks. We thought that Troy, Ryan and the whole singing thing was killing our chances of having both of you on the scholastic decathlon team." Taylor told us

"I heard what he had to say. we're on your team now. Done." Gabi told them

"Yeah, and I know that Sharpay can be a pain but he wouldn't just say that unless he meant it." I told Taylor about Ryan.

"No, not done." Taylor told us "we knew that Chad could get Troy to say things to make you wanna forget the callbacks. We planned it and we're embarrassed and sorry. Also we paid someone to steal Ryan's phone and text you to go to the music room." Taylor told us

"No one forced Troy to say anything. And you know what? It's okay." Gabi told them

"Also," I started "even Sharpay didn't have to force Ryan to say those things."

"We should prepare for the decathlon. It's time to move on." Gabi finished

"No, it's not okay." Taylor told us "the decathlon is whatever. But how you two feel about us, even more Troy and Ryan. That's what really matters."

Me and Gabi ignored her and stared working on the board again.

"We tried." Taylor whispered then all of them walked out.

Me and Gabi looked at each then the door then back at each other again.


I was in the living room flipping through magazines I had brought down from my room. I heard a knock on the door and mom answered it.

"Hi, Miss Montez. I'm Troy Bolton." I heard Troy's voice

"Oh, Troy!" I heard my mom say

I seen Gabi on the stairs at the top--well half way down them listening.

Gabriella mouthed "no." To mom when she turned around.

"Um...Gabriella is kind of busy with homework and such so nows not really a good time." Mom told him

"I made a mistake, Miss Montez." Troy told our mom "and I would really like to let Gabriella know that. Could you tell her I can by to see her?"

"I will, Troy." Mom told him

"Good night." Mom told him

"Good night, thank you." After Troy said that mom walked back into the house and sat beside me on the couch after she shut the door.

"At least the guy she likes came to apologize." I told mom.

"Honey, who ever you like will realize how stupid he is sooner or later and he'll feel as stupid as he is."

I laughed at what my mom said then there was another knock on the door.

"Probably Troy trying Gabi again." I laughed out when mom got up to get the door.

"Miss Montez, I'm Ryan Evans." My mom looked at me on the couch. "Is Brianna home?"

"Uh.?" Mom started but I finished for her by showing up in front of the door.

"Mom, I got it." I gave her a weak smile.

"Brianna, I'm sorry, so sorry." He apologized "Troy confronted me on what's happened and why you've been ignoring me and why you said what you said but-"

I cut Ryan off "Ryan, why are you here?" I asked him "I'm not doing the audition, not only because of you and Sharpay but because I know Troy will get my sister back on it."

"I don't care about the audition, what I do care about is you." He told me

"Didn't seem like it." I told him

"Brianna, I like you." He told me "I think my sister knows that to."

I shrugged "does matter what Sharpay thinks?"

"No." He said

He then grabbed my waist and kissed me, I was shocked at first but after a second I started kissing back. I pulled away from him.

"That, uh, tha-,yeah, that's," I stuttered ruining the moment.


Chapter 8 completed! The first High School musical is almost over. Next is the second one then the third one! Hope you like the chapter and book.

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