Contestant Bio Anna-Bella

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Name: Anna-Bella

Age: 26

Occupation: Romance book writer

Hometown: New York City

Height: 5'6"

Tattoos: A little heart on my wrist

Favorite book: Anything by Jane Austin

Favorite flowers: Red roses. They are the most perfect and romantic flowers

What do you think of the bachelor? When I heard who he was, I wanted to be on the show. Because he is the ultimate Billionaire playboy, and every romantic knows that underneath a façade like that is a big, beautiful heart and I want to bring it out of him. I'm looking forward to getting to know the real him.

Your ideal date: Having a romantic candle lit dinner in a quaint little restaurant in Paris, the city of love. Or riding in a Gondola in Venice maybe. I guess as long as you are with the right person, anything can be romantic.

Biggest turn off; Men that scratch their crotches and clear their throats loudly. Hahahah. Can I say that?

If you could be any fruit or vegetable, which one would it be? Strawberries. You can dip them in chocolate, pop them in a glass of champagne, put them on ice-cream and eat them with whipped cream. Are you getting that I love desert?

Greatest strength and biggest weakness. I think they are the same. I am a hopeless romantic and I always look for the best in people and sometimes that backfires. I fall in love easily, so I also get my heart broken easily. But I still believe in love!

Can't live without; A good book, a strong cappuccino and my lap top for writing.

Why did you choose to come on "My Prince Charming?" I'm always writing about gorgeous women wearing beautiful gowns and jewels and having their dream fairytale romance. But I want that too. It's time for my fairytale and I have a good feeling about this. I have a really good feeling about him

Greatest wish? I want my happy -ever- after 

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