Contestant Bio Sage

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Name: Sage

Age: 25

Occupation: Nature enthusiast, Yoga instructor and pagan practitioner

Hometown: I'm a bit of a drifter and I don't like to be confined to one place.

Height: 5'7"

Tattoos: Yes. The sacred Om symbol.

Favorite music: The sounds of birdsong on an early morning.

If you could be one person dead or alive, who would it be? Can she be a cartoon? Because I love Ariel the little Mermaid. I loved her brave, adventurous spirit and that she gave up everything for love. I want to find the kind of love that I'll give everything up for.

What do you think you will bring to the show? I would like to think that I'll bring a sense of calm to the show. A peaceful energy, an abundance of love and an open heart. I'm here to have whatever experience I'm meant to have.

Biggest turn off; Men that don't recycle and respect the planet and men that hunt and kill innocent animals as sport.

If you won the lottery, what would you do with your winnings? I'd donate it to a good cause like Save the Polar bears. Do you know that with all this global warming they are actually drowning? It's very sad.

Do you have fear of aging, and are you doing anything to prevent it? Absolutely not. Aging and death are a natural part of life. Each line is a lesson learnt and an experience had.

Your ideal date; Would probably be a picnic for two under the stars. Something simple. I don't need fancy things like caviar and champagne. I like small, simple things.

If you could be a plant, what would it be? A cactus. They might not be much to look at, but they are the most hardly plant on the planet and if you scratch their surface, they give you the gift of life- water.

If you could be any animal, what would you be? A Dolphin. They are beautiful and are the only animals that have sex for enjoyment. I'm a very sensual person.

What is your biggest regret? I don't believe in regrets. They are only opportunities to learn and grown and improve yourself. 

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