Contestant Bio Krystale

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The Socialite 

The Socialite 

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Name: Krystale (pronounced like the Champagne, you know)

Age: Not saying.

Occupation: Celebrity socialite and charity event organizer

Hometown: My jet and wherever the skies take me.

Height: Without or without heels?

Tattoos: Yes, but Prince Charming is going to have to go looking for them... if you know what I mean?

All-Time Favorite TV show: Anything on E... especially when I'm on it. I'm currently in talks with Ryan to get my own Reality TV show. Maybe he can do something on Henley and I's future wedding!

Cold or Hot Weather? Hot. I like to be naked... especially with a man. I'd love to be naked with Prince Charming.

What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? For legal reasons I can't say.... If you know what I mean? But lets just say it was hot, very, very hot and it was bad!

If you could be one animal, what would it be? Definitely a squirrel. That's what my charity is all about, SORS. Saving Our Red Squirrels. I just feel such a connection to them.... Squirrels.

What do you think of the Bachelor and what do you think your chances are? Well, I know for sure that I'm what he's looking for. I understand the kind of family he comes from. The money and status, because I come from that too. So I know he needs someone who understand the pressure of high society. He's rich, I'm rich. I'm hot, he's hot... let's make babies. Hahahah! Those other girls can go home now. Krystale is here and she's sparking.

Do you have a skill? Yes, I can look at a diamond for one second and tell you all of its 4 C's. Carat, color, clarity and cut. For example I can tell that your diamond is only a 0.2 carat and the clarity is not that great. Its a sweet Princess cut though, so... is that your engagement ring? Oh and selfies, I take gteat selfies. 

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