Chapter 1

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Ghosh smiled slowly to himself and discreetly took a few more pictures of the target. He imagined the things he would do with all the money Karan Shergill will give him. Tailing the target had been very easy. She had no idea that she was being investigated. She lead a fairly simple life, to and fro between work and home mostly. What surprised him most was the one recurring visitor on the scene!
If Mr Shergill's grandmother knew about the girl, why did she hide it? But then again, the two ladies hid a lot from Karan. And Ghosh had proof! And soon his reward.
Karan didn't know what to feel, so many emotions were coursing through him. Relief, hurt, confusion, ANGER, RAGE...not necessarily in that order. So he decided to cover it up with what he knew best, Arrogance. He would decide how he felt later...much later. Right now he had to pay Ghosh for services rendered. He would keep the bugger around some more. If this chap could do something in a few weeks time what had taken Karan more than a year, he was valuable. And Karan Shergill knew how hard such people were to come by.
Soon he picked up the phone to call his secretary. He was going on a trip and teaching someone a lesson.

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