Chapter 2

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Sumaira was sweaty after her jog but happy. Couple of planks, squats and
stretches and she'd be done. For the day. No slash that For the week, No month, No year, No eternity....
If only.
Sighing as she rolled out her yoga mat, she knew she wouldn't quit. She was filled with this stupid good girl syndrome, must do what's right not what's easy nonsense. But, the rewards will be good. She knew. Already she'd reached her target but it was that little roundness everywhere that she could do without.
But then she had always had that extra with her, since childhood. But HE never had, always toned and buff. Maybe that's why he lost interest, maybe she was just convenient, after all they grew up together, she was very much in tune with his nature. Aargh! Who was she kidding? Will she ever get over. If it wasn't for Dida, she would have gone to pieces.
Thinking about the last time she saw him still hurt. It wasn't this flood of despair any longer, that nearly drowned and broke her but she knew she had yet to move on. She was nowhere near moving on.
Sumaira gave herself a shake. Every time she had a quiet moment, he would creep in. If squats and stretches were not essential she wouldn't do them. The frenzy of a jog or a swim was needed to drown out her morbid thoughts.
Finishing her final stretch, she took a deep breath and headed home, with a spring in her step, totally unaware of her surroundings.
Not so far away from her the window rolled down in the black Audi. She was so close. "Mr Karan, she would leave for work in 2 hours now." Ghosh's voice brought Karan back to the earth. He never expected that seeing her would affect him so much. He knew he was still angry but longing and hurt, where did that come from?
And he was mad. But just for a completely different reason. He had more than enough money and could easily fulfil all her desires and then some. Why is she working? And she bolted for this? A 9 to 5 job? For the life of him, Karan couldn't figure out why he still felt protective of her? Seeing her had shaken him. It didn't help that she looked gorgeous, all soft and inviting in the right places but had he ever seen her like that? Ever? He'd found her pretty and without a doubt she got him, like no one else. But he had never had such lustful thoughts about her. Even when....Maybe that's why.... Well Ghosh's voice brought him out of his reverie but not enough to meet her just now. "Hmm," Karan replied, " I want to wait."

P.S Dida means grandmother. I just find it so endearing that I used it.

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