Chapter 3

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Tired! Bone tired. Dead tired. Dog tired....Sumaira felt all this and much much more when she returned home. But she knew the moment she'd step inside all this will go flying out. And her day will be bright all over again. Her two Angels were waiting for her. Karan may have taken a lot from her but this that she had because of their little time together made it OK. She almost forgave him. No matter what if something so beautiful came out of something so doomed, it couldn't be that bad, right?
Something didn't feel right. She had that silly urge to turn back and see as if something was stalking her. Some predator. Sumaira turned around after jabbing the button for the elevator. Nothing. There was nothing. Everything looked the same. The foyer with its potted palm, the bright sofa, the two guards at the entrance. It was same as always.
One of the reasons she liked this exclusive colony ( despite being overpriced) was the security it offered to its residents.
Shaking herself, she tried to dismiss this strange fear that was building up in her tummy and took deep breaths to calm herself. I am safe. All is well. I am secure. God looks out for me!
Gradually she felt better and the lift also came down. Just as soon as she got in a large hand stopped the doors from closing and Karan slid inside.
"Hello Sumaira! Long time no see my dear wife!"
If anyone had ever told her that Karan would ever invoke feelings of fear and dread in her, she would have laughed at their faces. Joy. Once yes. Love. Ages ago. Hurt. Absolutely. But standing there as the lift doors closed trapping both of them inside, she had this crazy urge to hide and disappear with their children once again.

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