Monsoon Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Lizaaa," the voice whispered. I had no idea where it was coming from. "Lizaaa," the voice repeated. I quickly sat up and looked around. I was ready for anything these demons threw at me. But there was nothing there, I didn't put my guard down, that's exactly what they wanted. You didn't expect anything and Bam! They get you. Chase sat up too wondering what I was looking for.

It got quiet and then pain cut through me. I dropped to the ground clutching myself as if someone had actually slid a knife through my chest. I couldn't breathe. I never experienced anything like this. Panting hard I wished for the pain to end. Then suddenly, it did. I looked around through my teary eyes to see empty space. What was happening? I glanced to see Chase edging away from me. He was probably too scared and afraid to touch me probably scared to hurt me further.

And then the roar of anger began, deafening me. I gasped, stunned by the cry of rage. My hands flew automatically to my ears. Pain pinned me down to the floor. Crushed by it. Confused by it....imprisoned by it. This time, the feeling was unbearable. I couldn't move.

"Liza, what's wrong?!" Chase yelled, but his voice sounded so distant. I was trying to listen for the voice. It whispered my name again and I understood everything at that point.

It was Max. He was in trouble. He needed me. I had to go save him. I got up slowly and turned towards Chase. My vision blurred. Oh great, I would have to leave him again. I knew for a fact he would hate me for this. I looked into his eyes which were now filled with worry. Maybe he would understand.

"Chase...I need to go," I said. Slowly, his look turned to confusion.

"Why? What's going on?" he asked. He was holding onto me tightly. No escape.

"I need to go," I repeated, trying to get out of his grasp, but he wasn't letting me go so easily.

"Tell me what's going on," he said firmly.

"Chase, please, not now! I'll explain everything later!", I exclaimed, trying to squirm out of his bulky hands. I heard the voice again; it was filled with pain and desperation. I breathing was quick and jaggered. I was filled with the same desperation the voice had. I couldn't take it anymore. I finally got out of his hands and turned to leave.

Right then he knew. "Don't leave," he said. Somehow he knew why I was leaving. The other guy as he once had called Max. "Stay for me," he said. "I don't know how but I know this has something to do with the other guy". See I told you.

"But I-", I started, but he cut me off.

"You don't need him," he said. "You've been fine all this time. You don't need to go to him", he stated.

But I hadn't been fine. I did need to go to him. I do need him. I needed Max like I needed air in my lungs. Not an option, a necessity. There was only one possible way I would stay for chase.

"Tell me to stay-tell me you love me." I said. I looked at him now. His mouth went in a thin straight line. I don't understand why it was so hard for him to just say it. "Just say it. Three words. Eight letters. Say it and I'll stay," I pleaded as I stood in front of him. Nothing. His expression didn't even change. I waited, but still nothing. Tears came down slowly. "Thanks you, that's all I needed," I turned away and closed my eyes. Think Max, Liza. Think.

I opened them and there I was. Black rocks. I touched one slowly, my hand flew back instantly. Jesus, it was like three hundred and sixty degrees! Where was I? I realized I had been sitting on the ground. I looked around at the dirt, I grabbed a handful. This defiantly didn't feel like dirt to me. More like the ashes of human bones. The thought passed through my mind and I shuddered, wiping it off my hands and jeans, I got up and looked around.

Oh crap. There was fire everywhere. Demons jumping here and there. Souls running around. I heard a blood curling scream and something running across the field. It looked like a man on fire, running wildly. My mouth hung open. Was I in hell? How did I end up here?

I was still in shock from what I was seeing to notice two demons come up from behind me and capture me. One of them stabbed me in the leg. I would have screamed but I was already paralyzed with fear. My chest tightened up and my breathing became heavy. They dragged me along the ground all I could process in my mind was fire. I was numb from the pain in my leg. Then we came to a sudden stop and they dropped me to the ground.

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