Chapter Nineteen

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Harry and Lucy entered hospital the back way. Once again, the monarchy did not want a picture of Lucy in labor on the front pages of newspapers; Lucy wouldn't have been thrilled either. Harry drove, and it would've just been the couple until the baby was born. That was what Lucy wanted for her life, and she finally got it.

After changing into the white hospital gown, another contraction hit, getting closer and closer now. Now the contractions were longer. The midwife was in the room, yet Lucy still managed to have time. Harry was beside her, rubbing her back. "Shit shit shit shit," Lucy muttered under her breath.

The midwife frowned at her. "Ma'am, curse words are not necessary--"

Lucy's death glare flipped. "Get me a new fucking midwife, you twatting wanking cun--"

"Okay." Harry smiled at the midwife. "Could you give us some space please?"

The midwife put down Lucy's chart and left the room.

"Making friends?" Harry asked.

"You going to tell me what to do?"


"Then you and I can be friends. I don't need anyone else." The contraction ended and Lucy stood again. She paced around the room. "I'm not going to apologize to the midwife."

"I wouldn't expect anything else." He sat down for a moment in the chair. "Where did you learn that kind of language?"

Lucy laughed.

"It's quite the colorful words. I didn't know you actually knew that many British curse words."

She sighed.

"The midwife will come back in soon, you know? I only managed to get her out of here for maybe two minutes before she comes back. She's not exactly running on our schedule, but the baby coming out of you."

"I can already feel it... ow."

Harry got up quickly and helped Lucy on to the bed. Like the midwife felt it a change in the wind, she came back in and looked between Lucy's legs. A frown still plagued her face. Lucy reminded herself that the midwife was just doing her job.

"Okay, baby is coming now." The midwife got a few things ready. "On the next contraction, ma'am, go."

Pain didn't begin to cover childbirth. Pain wasn't a strong enough word. A normally small hole was ripped open. A baby was pushed through it. And most people wanted to have more children after giving birth to one. The pain was nothing like Lucy ever felt, even though she had been shot before. There was agony as Lucy's yell filled the room. Harry's hand was crushed by Lucy's grip. This was supposed to be one of the most beautiful moments of all humanity; Harry thought it was. He had the awe that his child was coming into the world. Lucy couldn't get over the fact that there was a baby coming of her. She was more focused on that. To Harry, this was his child, and he was going to raise his child right.

"That's a big baby," the midwife commented.

That wasn't what Lucy needed to hear at this moment. In fact, she wanted everyone to stop talking, especially the midwife. Harry whispered to Lucy, and she wished he would shut up too. Their accents annoyed her now. She wouldn't have minded if they all just sound American, from the north, not the southern accents. If she didn't have to translate the accent, her life would've been much better.

"One more big push. Come on. Here we go. Come on. Come on. Come--"

A high-pitched cry filled the room. It was abnormally loud as Lucy heard for the first time something that wasn't blood rushing past her ears. The pressure inside her head subsided. Her eyes focused forward as the midwife held a big baby in her hands. Lucy and Harry had created a big baby. It was going to be one tall child.

"Baby boy!"

Harry shook beside Lucy. Tears spilled out of his eyes. Happiness, like pain, didn't begin to cover it. There was more than joy and glee. There was more than satisfaction and amazement. It couldn't be put into words, how beautiful his son was. It couldn't be put into words, how beautiful Lucy was. It couldn't be put into words, how wonderful the moment was. Harry's breath caught in his throat. He thought he could stare at his child forever. Taking his eyes off his child for only a second, Harry checked on his wife. She stared at her son too, mouth open and heavy breathed, but happiness shined through. He kissed her on the forehead.

"Would you like to hold him?" the midwife asked.

No words came out of Lucy's mouth; she just nodded. Harry cut the cord and then the baby was brought over to Lucy. Tentatively, she reached her hands out. Slowly Harry placed the baby there. Harry didn't want to let his baby go, but he wasn't. He would hold his baby again soon. Lucy held her son against her chest as the crying decreased.

"Hi," she whispered to the baby. "Hi."

Harry sat down next to her on the bed.

The midwife looked over. "Baby boy born on fourth of July, twenty-twenty-two, at one: thirty-three in the morning."

In ten minutes, the baby was taken away to be weighed and measured; Harry went with. Lucy had some discomfort and the placenta came. The midwife smiled at Lucy, as Harry and their son came back in. He sat down next to her. The baby was asleep and so was Lucy. She had tried to stay up as long as she could but tiredness took her at five in the morning. Harry was tired too, but he refused to sleep. He watched his son as he slept.

It was nine in the morning, and neither mother or baby stirred at all. Lucy was basically passed out, and the baby boy wasn't expected to wake up for a while. William stuck his head into the room, with a giggling of children outside. Catherine hushed them outside the door. William came in first to the room, silently, realizing Lucy was asleep.

"Have a name yet?" William whispered to his younger brother.

"We have an idea," Harry said. "I didn't think the name would fit him, but now it does."

"Can you tell me what the name is?"

Harry sighed. "I can give you a hint: Weasley's."

William didn't ask for anything more. "The kids want to see their new cousin." His eyes drifted over to Lucy. "Not now?"

"Go ahead," Lucy said groggily. "Try to be somewhat quiet thought."

William nodded, and his children and wife were allowed in the room for a visit. Immediately the children climbed over Harry to get a good look at the baby boy. "Dad will come visit you at Kensington Palace, where some photos will be done. You don't have to do the hassle with the media, just get in and go home."

"Good. We all need some sleep." Lucy rolled over and face the crowd. "How is he?"

"Hasn't stirred." Harry smiled at the peaceful baby boy in his hands.

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