Chapter Twenty-Six

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"I don't understand why an one year old needs to have a big birthday party." Lucy finished with her makeup and turned to her husband. Harry held the trying-to-walk Freddie in his hands.

"It's kind of a big deal," he smiled.

"He's an one year old. He's not going to remember. He'll have no idea who is here and what is going on. He won't recognize most of them."

"Luce," Harry said, "you're right, he won't. But pictures will be taken and posted online."

"That's what we want." Lucy took Freddie in her hands. "That's what everyone wants, right? Just to see pictures of you all the time. It's because you're cute, but don't let it go to your head, kiddo." Her eyes came back up to her husband. "Is everything ready?"

"People will start arriving soon. Chef set out food and drink for all the guests." He lowered his voice even though Freddie had no idea what his father said, "Grownup drinks and child drinks."

Lucy scoffed and headed downstairs with Freddie on her hip. Chef had laid out lots of foods and drinks. She immediately grabbed a finger sandwich and let Freddie onto his feet. He ran off, only to fall once but pick himself up again. Harry followed his son, not trusting that Freddie wouldn't try to tear anything down, which oddly reminded Harry of Lucy.

Siobhan had insisted that blue was in the theme, even though Lucy argued that it shouldn't have been. The colors ended up being blue, green and white instead of different shades of blue. Green was more of a neutral color for babies, along with yellow, and white because it was complimentary color. The cake was just the start of the colors that plagued the Kensington Palace apartment. Lucy refused to allow anything upstairs, stating no one actually needed to go upstairs.

William and Catherine, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, were the first ones to show up, along with their children, who greeted Freddie kindly. Charlotte promised to keep a close eye on Freddie as he ran into the next room to play with some toys. Lucy glanced back at the kids but they seemed fine.

Harry led his brother and sister-in-law into the kitchen for food, talking excitedly. Lucy followed.

"So," William began, "when can we expect the next one?"

The younger brother immediately blushed. Lucy sipped on her apple juice.

"You two haven't talked about it?" he asked.

"Not recently," Lucy said, "but we've discussed it."

"Perhaps you should discuss it more recently," William pushed. "We have this... rule almost. First two kids, two years apart. It keeps us close and bonded."

"I'm sure."

Harry sensed the tension and cleared his throat. "Well, I for one would hope that next time I'm told, it'll be more special."

Lucy's gaze turned to her husband, and Harry realized he didn't make it any better.

"Yes, well," Catherine began, almost unsure what to say next, "it's a baby. It'll be happy either way."

William's blue eyed gaze rested on Lucy evenly, which she didn't back down.

In times like this, it was perhaps easiest to let certain things go, such as this. Harry used to try to get involved, to make it easier for the both of them, and Catherine was always nice about it. Lucy respected William, for what he tried to do for the monarchy; after all, it was his life. However, Lucy came from the outside and didn't tend to fall into step with the monarchy. Ever since the birth of her child, she went against the monarchy in many things. There was parental protection over the child, but then there was Lucy.

It was other things, such as how she handled herself in public. When Lucy was at events, she was quiet and discreet. However, she managed to get loud at times. She was always supposed to be discreet, and she was never supposed to "sass" someone, even if they sassed her first. In many ways to many people, Lucy didn't like to close her mouth. It was true; Lucy admitted to it. Then, when Lucy wasn't at events, it was as if she went against the monarchy. Specifically, soon after Freddie's birth, Lucy left the Kensington Palace apartment, over and over and over again. And Lucy didn't care.

She had been "talked to" multiple times, by Harry at first and then by others. Siobhan was the recent one, and it came out with the blue in the color scheme for the birthday party. When the Queen was yet alive, she would've done the honors of Lucy getting a "talking to" but it was never that bad. The Queen said what was on her mind, and it usually ended with them being friendly toward one another. With Charles as King, he wasn't one to point out one's difficulties within the monarchy; he let other people do that, which was how William came to be Lucy's pain in the ass.

William continued, "Well, when one comes to home to find a note of pregnancy with the wife sleeping, it can be off putting when she doesn't seem excited. Perhaps, next time, try to be excited."

Lucy didn't glance at her husband like her body wanted to do, knowing that he got that information from Harry. "Yes, your majesty-- oh, I'm sorry, highness." Lucy continued to smile and then walked into the living room.

Once she was gone, the older brother turned to the younger brother. "Harry, you understand."

Harry nodded. "I do, but that was uncalled for, Wills."


"Enough, William, enough." Harry didn't look back as he went into the living room.

He did understand where his brother came from because it was exactly where he came from: the monarchy. And Lucy had been changing things up, specially the ball in Sweden. Harry didn't approve sometimes of Lucy's actions, but that was only sometimes. Other times, he applauded his wife. Harry wasn't one to agree with the monarchy always; Harry was the rebel. However, so was Lucy. And two rebels equaled a rebellion.

More and more people showed up for the party, and there was one thing that all members of the monarchy knew how to do: put on a smile and wave. If anyone had an idea of what was going on behind closed doors, they didn't give it away. Lucy was most perfectly trained in this; she did it since the day the paparazzi caught her scent.

Eggsy and Mellie greeted each of the guests. Eggsy did it with a smile. Mellie watched all with strict curiosity, as if any were to hurt the family.

Freddie enjoyed himself at his first birthday party, when many children running around. He ran around like a mad child half of the time, though. He ate all the cake he could and he played with every baby that he could, only stealing toys from other children three times. And then he greeted everyone with a smile. At the end, when people left, Freddie collapsed onto the flood in a heap and started to sleep there.

"Clean up crew won't be here until a few hours, and they always knock." Harry paused. "We could put him in his crib and have some grownup time?" he suggested.

Lucy's angry eyes turned to Harry. "Really?"

Harry shrugged nonchalantly, and then turned his gaze to the ground. "I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

"Oh, hell yes."

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