Chapter Thirteen

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After numerous hours of reading by herself in the Common Room, Elizabeth began wondering about Slug Club. She didn't know what time is started or where to go; at the beginning of her time there, Slughorn had told her that other Slytherins attended the club and she could walk down with them. Unfortunately, she didn't know who they were, exactly. As if the whole world were reading her thoughts, Cora, the tall girl from earlier raised her voice.

"Anyone attending Slug Club can leave now, but make sure you all stay together," she announced, her strong voice reaching all corners of the room.

Nobody stood, except for, of course, Tom and his six companions. They all rose in unison and said nothing, but slowly began walking to the door. Elizabeth shut her book and promptly followed them. Tom took notice of her as he walked proudly through the Common Room. He walked alone with the six trailing behind him. Elizabeth walked and stood next to him. After they had all walked out the door, Tom stared back at the group and they shifted backwards. Elizabeth tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"How are you?" Tom asked suddenly.

"Good, I guess," she mumbled. She was actually quite excellent. The dance was the next night and she was certain Tom didn't know about it, so he wouldn't stop her from having fun.

"I was informed you went to sit with Corrington and those other Gryffindors," Tom said coldly.

Elizabeth felt blood rush to her cheeks. "I couldn't turn down an invitation," she replied smoothly.

"How polite of you," the corners of his lips turned up and a sarcastic grin took place on his face.

"I thought so."

He was silent. Elizabeth looked behind her and the group was silent, staring at the ground as they walked. One boy who looked much older than Tom lifted his head and they exchanged a glance, only for him to bury his eyes in the floor once more. She turned her head back around.

"Why don't you guys ever talk?" she whispered. 

"We do talk, just not in front of you."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, for she felt as if he said things to provoke anger in her. The hallway was dark and a few Hufflepuffs walked a few meters ahead of them in a huddle. Two girls looked back, one of them Elizabeth recognized to be the girl who had walked her to the castle on the first day. She couldn't remember her name. The girl looked back at her with the utmost pity.

"Do you know her?" Tom hissed quietly.


Finally, Elizabeth saw the bright red hair that belonged to Bonnie. She didn't know her that well, but she would rather be with her than Tom. She quickly ran ahead to Bonnie before he could stop her.

"Oh, hello Elizabeth!" Bonnie exclaimed and nudged Klaus who was walking next to her. "Look who it is, Klaus!" He nodded in acknowledgment to her and she smiled back.
Bonnie was wearing a knee length, gleaming navy blue dress with black tights underneath. Elizabeth had thankfully gotten word that it was a formal event and had put on a suede black dress that went down to her mid-calves and sleeves to her elbows.

"You look nice," Elizabeth commented on Bonnie's attire.

Her eyes lit up as if Elizabeth had just given her the greatest news she'd ever received. "Thank you so much! I love your dress and I simply must know where you acquired it!"

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