Babe (Nishinoya x Reader) // Requested

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Imagine you are the daughter of a very rich businessman. You're on holiday in a luxury hotel in the Caribbean.

Enjoy the read! ^-^


It was a summer day and a pleasant, fresh breeze waved through your [h/l] [h/c] hair. You had decided to spend the afternoon relaxing on a deckchair next to the swimming pool of the hotel. You were gorgeous, wearing your [fav/c] bikini and Ray Ban sunglasses. You began falling asleep slowly, but suddenly you heard some laughters. Before you could even take off your sunglasses to see what the heck was going on, you got soaking wet because somebody had the great idea to dive into the pool making a great amount of water splash around.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" you yelled while standing up and rubbing your eyes, your [h/l] sticking to your face.

"Hey, babe I'm sorry!" you heard a guy answer.

You spotted a group of five guys with well built bodies. You couldn't help but gazing at each one and blush a bit.

Two of them were standing next to the swimming pool with beverages in their hands. One was not very tall,  had shiny silver hair and a gentle smile while the other one was very tall and raven-haired with quite an annoyed attitude in his deep blue eyes. You thought he was the scary type. The other three were in the water. There was a shrimpy, orange-haired boy that seemed to be a sunray trapped in a human body and a guy with shaved head. The last one was the shortest of the group. He had wet, black hair with some bleached locks on his forehead. His face was engraved with a teasing smile that made your annoyance levitate. You knew for sure that he was the one who dived, so you approached him and scoffed: "WHOEVER YOU ARE, I'M NOT YOUR BABE!".

"Awww c'mon babe, don't get angry" he replied in a relaxed tone, ignoring the last three words you yelled.

"Do not ever dare to call me like that again" you hissed whilst sitting on the border of the pool.

"Or else?" he grinned in openly provoking manners.

"Well, then I'll call you brat" you hummed. The boy with the shaved hair burst out laughing.

"But that's not my real name, babe! I'm Yuu, Nishinoya Yuu!"

"I'm [Last Name] [Name] and I'm not your babe".

He grinned again. "Well, then [Name]... You're soaking wet already, so you won't mind" he said.

"Won't mind WHA-?!". Before you could even end the question, Nishinoya pulled both your arms causing you to fall onto him into the water. You were so angry and embarrassed because you were now pushed by himself on his torso that the heat of your face could possibly have caused all the water in the pool to evaporate.

"Oh, and by the way my friends here are Hinata, Kageyama, Sugawara and Tanaka! I think you had the time to look at them very accurately!" he introduced everyone by pointing at them.

You were furious.

*Time Skip*

That evening, you stood again next to the swimming pool wearing your [fav/c] dress. There was a party in the disco but you had enough of it and so you got out. It was dark there, except for some blueish light from the swimming pool.

Actually, you were on that summer vacation just to divert from the sadness caused by your ex boyfriend, but it wasn't working as you had optimistically expected. Before you could be aware of it, tears started rolling down your cheeks.

Jeez, I'm crying...

You took off your high heels to sit down on the edge of the pool and let your feet into the water. Suddenly you heard some footsteps. Nishinoya sat down next to you. He was wearing a suit that you noticed fit him perfectly and had two champagne glasses in his hands.

"Hey there, babe! Whatcha doin' here all alone in the dark, you emo girl? I noticed you escaping from a guy inside so I decided to- BUT YOU'RE CRYING, [NAME]-CHAN!" he had started talking to you but then had a look at your face "You have to drink, then!". With this, he placed a glass in your hands and got to drink his champagne.

"Thank you, Nishinoya..." you mumbled after rubbing your eyes.

"Awh, you can call me Yuu. Listen, [Name]... whatever you're crying for, please stop it! I don't wanna see you like that. I can make you laugh if you want me to!"

You had a little smile while glancing at him. You noticed he had spiky hair when dry and you thought this made him look really cute. You suddenly burst out laughing.

"Ne, what's that for?!" he asked.

"Your hair is so hilarious, Yuu!" you managed to say amidst tears that had started flowing down your cheeks for laughing so hard.

"Hey, I'm getting offended!" he pouted.

"My gosh, you're so cutesy with that little pouting face..!" you pinched one of his cheeks.

What the hell am I saying..? Was it the champagne?

"Whoa, [Name]-chan... is this a confession or what..?" he teased while putting an arm around your shoulders. This caused chills run down your spine.

"N-no, it's not!!!" you awkwardly replied. Then you made a sudden movement to cover your blushing face but this caused Noya to fall into the water with his clothes on. When he emerged, you burst out laughing again.

"YOUR HAIR! YOU... YOU'VE GROWN SHORTER!" you giggled with your hands on your thighs.

He approached you and suddenly pulled your legs while you were still laughing. You got soaking wet again and coughed a bit. Now he was laughing hard at you.

"Please stop it, Yuu!" you exclaimed but not in angry manners.

But then he had come to face you and was staring right into your [e/c] orbs. Your heartbeat increased.

"What if I don't..?" he whispered, teasing you.

You didn't answer. Instead, you pulled him towards you and pecked his lips before you could control yourself.

"Uhm... I... " you began, but he grinned and kissed you back.

"If this is my punishment, I'm gonna get you mad more..." he hummed, his wet clothes sticking to you.


Hello ppl, this was the first request I got..! :3

Am sorry for posting it so late but I've been kinda busy studying for exams so bear with me :/

I hope you liked it..! Please let me know by hitting "vote" and commenting!

See you to the next one shot... feel free to send me a private message to request me one!


Haikyuu!! x Reader One Shots (Book One) // Let Me Wander With You...Where stories live. Discover now