Pieces (Asahi x Reader) // Requested

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"Who is that scary-looking guy?!"

"I hope he doesn't hurt me!"

"Is he a bad one, isn't he?"

These are just a few of the things you'd be able to hear when he was around. Everybody was afraid of him and you honestly couldn't figure out why.

"[Friend's Name]... Why does everybody act like that when Azumane is around?" you once asked one of your classmates.

"Why are you even asking that now, [Name]? Everybody knows he's not good!"

"But... I actually haven't seen him doing anything bad since he arrived here"

You were the only one who hadn't been treating him like an intruder since his arrival in your college in London. Of course, you weren't close, either. But at least you didn't run away as soon as he showed up in the classroom, with his tall and robust figure. Everybody else, when he entered the room, used to move to their seats, as if the headmaster or the teacher had suddenly appeared, and leave a seat in the back row, on the left. That spot would be left especially for him everyday as if it were sacred. But this was not the case. Everybody just feared him and would sit as far as possible from him.

You were different. You felt sorry about this, about the coldness your classmates used to him, so you treated him gently.

"Good morning, Azumane" you usually told him with a smile.

Inside of you, you were afraid this would sound boring and monotonous to him and yet you didn't stop because you felt this was important. And yes, it was. You really couldn't understand how important it was to him.

It was so important that he suddenly found himself glancing at you sometimes. He found himself wandering with his eyes through your [h/c] hair, which he saw from the back, or on the line of your hips. He suddenly started to feel a timid, delicate attraction towards you.

And yet you didn't notice, but everybody else in the classroom did.

You noticed they started trying to prevent you from sitting next to him, which you had started doing because you didn't want to leave him alone in the back of your classroom, or even from trying to talk to him.  They were somehow trying to protect you from him. As soon as you realised it, you tried to stop them, you told your friends that you were sure that he'd never do anything bad, that you felt it, but no one would listen so you never managed to talk to him once. You just kept saying "Good morning, Azumane".

You once found out he'd somehow managed to join the college volleyball team and you felt curious about it.

You invited your best friend to join you, to go and see their practice, but she stammered an excuse and left you alone. You wanted to see him play, you wanted to know more about him.

When you entered the gym and started looking for him, you saw him in his practice clothes sitting on a bench all alone. He was the only one sitting there while the other players were practicing some spikes and defence strategies you didn't really care about.

You shyly walked to him without anyone noticing and sat there. He didn't notice you at first. He had earphones and was listening to music. The volume was high enough for you to listen, too, and to recognize the song that was playing. You hesitantly took one of the earphones from him to listen to the same song.

I tried to be perfect but nothing was worth it

I don't believe it makes me real

Haikyuu!! x Reader One Shots (Book One) // Let Me Wander With You...Where stories live. Discover now