Yellow Umbrella (Oikawa x reader) // Requested

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Oikawa Tooru was jealous.
He himself couldn't just believe it but there were proofs, clear evidence that he was.

Even you could find he was acting weird somehow that evening.
You two were having your usual daily Skype call and you could see there was something wrong with him back in Miyagi. And you were in New York. You had moved to the Big Apple three months before but, luckily for Oikawa Tooru, it wasn't for good. You and him were friends since high school and you still were, though you were not attending the same university now. You were in New York for a year of study exchange thanks to the scholarship you'd been awarded.

"I miss you, [Name]"
"Mmmh yeah, I miss you too Tooru but you tell me already! It's the third time this evening. What happened to you?" you giggled a bit.
A short silence followed and you watched him look at somewhere above the webcam as if an alien ufo had just landed there, in his very dorm bedroom back in Miyagi University.
"Uhm... Tooru?" you called him to regain his attention, that was stranded somewhere out in space. Your voice took him back to Earth again.
"What's wrong? You know you can tell me everything" you hummed in a serious but soft voice but then, right in front your eyes, Oikawa Tooru did something you'd never expected him to do. He stammered.
"Uhm..? Nothing's wrong, [Name]... really" he looked stranded again.
"And how's that... guy, huh? Dylan, you tell me?" he inquired without looking at the camera.
Back in New York now you were the one who was lost in space. Or, to say it better, in the contemplation of his features. You were so lost that you even caressed his cheek and chocolate hair on the monitor. And you smiled.

"Uhm? Yeah, I was just adjusting the webcam" you replied, too fast for you to think that it was a dumb excuse, since you were using your laptop. And what was even worse was that you couldn't even palmface. He giggled at a blushing you and seemed to be regaining his usual confidence so you took the conversation back to the previous subject.
"Dylan, you ask me? Yeah, he's fine. And he's so kind! You don't know how lucky I was to meet such a caring guy!". Oikawa's smile faded away.

It works! You thought while his inner speaking was yeah he's kind because he just wanna get laid with you!

Since this was just a thought you couldn't even imagine what was going on inside of the childish boy's head but yet you could see the usual pout making his way to his lips. You would have hugged him or pinched his nose but now you were far and the Dylan matter was a serious one. What was this guy like? Was he more handsome than him, Oikawa Tooru?

Unbelievable he thought. And then the idea came to his mind.

"You know what, [Name]? I wanna meet this new friend of yours. I was thinking, maybe he could introduce me to some pretty New York chicks, you know! I'm coming there for a while when I'm done here with my exams. Bye!" he chirped and sent you a little kiss, then the call was over.
You just sat there, puzzled and radiant at the same time.

*Time Skip*
His chocolate hair was sticking to his face as well as his clothes to his body. A huge trunk was lying on the floor between you and Tooru. It seemed to be the only obstacle between you but the best was yet to come.
You were soaking wet as well because you'd been helping him carrying his heavy trunk inside and the rain caught the both of you in spite of your yellow umbrella.
The mentioned umbrella was now leaning against the wall. It seemed useless and somehow helpless when you stared at it, drops of rain still pouring down from its colourful, folded textile. It was quite a bright shade of yellow.

"Why a yellow umbrella?" Tooru asked. He actually wasn't interested in the answer, he just wanted to break the silence as long as you were alone.
Because, he knew for sure, Dylan would be there soon. Dylan, your friend, the one you shared your NYC flat with and therefore the biggest part of your time since your arrival in the States.

"Well, it's from my favorite TV series. Actually, it was Dylan who suggested watching it and it's great! It's a very long one but totally worth it!" your enthusiastic answer was followed by a sarcastic grin of his, caused by the fact that Dylan seemed to be there even though you still were alone.
You didn't care too much about it and went on with the explanation: "Actually it's a metaphor. A yellow umbrella represents the one who's bound to be your soulmate... who knows, maybe it's true". Your voice softly pronounced the word soulmate while you stared for an instant into Tooru's hazel orbs and a pink tint, as light as dust, made its way to your cheeks and ears. Yeah, your ears used to blush too.
Silence filled the room again and you stood still beside each other until the doorbell rang and you both knew it was even before opening the door.

There he stood, the other obstacle between you - besides the trunk that was still there, heavy as an elephant.
The door was opened, welcome homes were spoken.
"I'm gonna get changed if you don't mind. I'm freezing" you grinned before disappearing behind your bedroom door.

It was just five minutes - more or less - what took you to wear dry clothes. But what you saw made you realise that five minutes' time was enough for a war to be declared.
Blood? Murder?
No, it was just a quarrel between university students what was taking place before your eyes.
"What's going on?" you firmly spoke when you spotted Dylan's hand digging into Tooru's precious chocolate hair and Tooru's hands wrapped around Dylan's throat. Also, one of Tooru's eyes had a dark violet circle around it - the evident trace of a fist - and Dylan's lower lip was bleeding. Their faces showed up childlike tears coming down, too.

But as you spoke both of them released the other one from his grasp and their hands were hidden behind their backs by what seemed to be children who didn't wanna be caught stealing candy by their mom.
"What are you, children? Now somebody please explain me this!" your voice came out with a sigh.
You approoached Tooru and grazed his cheek while he told you that Dylan had started it all by acting mad because he wouldn't be able to have you in his bed if he was around. You turned the other way and stared at Dylan. You were waiting for him to tell you it was just a joke but he said nothing. He couldn't even look at your face. He ended up leaving the flat just taking his coat, wallet and cigarettes with him.
Silence filled the room again.

You decided to take care of Tooru and make him get changed into some dry clothes of Dylan's.
"Ne, why should I put these on?" he said in a whimsical way and pouted.
"Well, at least they're dry!" you spoke.
But soon your firmness was gone when he started to take off his wet clothes before you could leave the room. There he stood in his underwear and you couldn't help but stare and feel hot.
"[Name], could you please check if I have some bruises here?" he spoke carelessly as he pointed at his back "you know, Shitty Dylan made me trip into my own trunk and I fell to the floor".
You approached him and inspected his skin accurately.
Before you managed to find a single bruise, Tooru had turned to face you and was kissing you.

This is the story of how you really got in Dylan's bed... but with someone else, actually.


Hello my readers! 😉
Sorry for slow updates and for making this a bit longer than the others..!
Note that the Yellow Umbrella thing was inspired by How I Met Your Mother series because it came into my mind as I decided to set this in New York 😄
Vote and comment if you liked it and remember that requests are still open!
Lots of love~
Shiri-Chan96 ❤

Haikyuu!! x Reader One Shots (Book One) // Let Me Wander With You...Where stories live. Discover now