Chapter Ten

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I'm shocked at Michael's reaction. There's no reason he would've gotten this mad usually. Maybe he and Luke are in a fight or something--which would explain the reason for Luke being into the idea; just to piss of Michael more. I shrug at the thought, it's not my business. 

I clean up the mess and go up to my room even though it's very late, just around seven. I put the clothes away that I had shown Michael and plop into bed. It's not too early to sleep, right? I close my eyes and let myself drift off. 

When I wake up, the sun is beaming through my window, causing my temperature to rise desperately high. I throw the never-ending mess of blankets from above me and yank them shut in annoyance. My mood isn't chipper. Talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed. I trudge down the stairs and find my mom in her usual enthusiastic morning vibe, instantly getting on my nerves. She slides the plate of waffles she just made over to me. I harshly slam my fork into it as I continue to watch her dance and sing to the radio, so cliche.

"Mom, stop!" I finally burst. Her face is a little shocked. "Sorry, I'm in a fowl mood and I don't want to sit here and listen," I tell her, half way apologizing.

"Don't take it out on me just because I'm in a good mood and you're not," she looks at me.

"Like I said, sorry," I push my chair in and give her the rolling eyes that I'm all-too-famous for giving.

"You need to go to your room until you get into a better mood," she tells me, putting my plate in the sink.

"No need to tell me! I was already going!" I snap back, attitude pouring from my voice

I walk up and throw myself onto my bed, clicking the TV on. I pick up my phone and much to my surprise, I have a message from Michael. He tells, not asks, that he is coming over in five minutes.

To Michael:

Can't. Grounded.

From Michael:

Then open your window. I need to talk to you.

I reply with a simple 'fine' and open the window. He comes out seconds later, looking different. I can't tell his expression from up in my room. I goes to the gate and looks up to me. 

"Hope," he half yells.

"What Michael," I give the hint that I'm not in the mood for any bullshit he's about to give me. 

"What's got you in such a bad mood?"

"Nothing. Get to the point," my terse answer takes him by surprise.

"I was curious about your date. When is it?" he asks. His weight is shifting from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable.

"Tonight. He's picking me up at seven. Why?"

"I was just curious. How did he even get in touch with you. You haven't seen him since the pa-pool," he says, almost as if he wasn't going to say pool. I let it slide.

"Actually, I got his number. What's it to you anyways?" 

"I just.. I thought.." his hands rub the back of his neck. 

"Thought what?" I say, knowing exactly what he is going to say.

"I just thought that we, ya know.. were started to get somewhere," he shyly but openly admits.

"Oh.." I can't bring myself to say anymore. If I say one thing, he'll think he's right; that we were actually becoming something. If I reply with anything, even the least bit negative, it'll crush him.

"Yeah.. Well, I'm gonna go. Have fun tonight," he says and walks away.

"Bye Michael," I say softly.

I hadn't thought about the date tonight until he brought it up. I feel bad knowing that I can actually do this to Michael, but it's not like we are dating. It's not like this date with Luke means anything other than revenge.

I text my mom and tell her I'm sorry and blame the mood on my lack of sleep. She is quick to forgive and ask what my plans are for the night. When I tell her about Luke and the date, she instantly fires back with a million questions about him and what we're going to be doing. Truthfully, I can't answer the majority of the questions.

The day passes by slow and lazily. The more time the swindles away, the more nervous I get. Around six, I decide to get in the shower. I use my favorite shampoo and body wash; strawberry. My long hair seems to be extra difficult as I attempt to brush it for ten minutes before getting anywhere. Finally I can brush through it without wanting to give up. I plug in the blow dryer and flip my bangs out with a brush, giving them the 'swoop' look that people always comment on.

I swipe the thinnest layer of eyeliner onto my top lid before adding mascara to my eyelashes. I bring my lip gloss back to my room with me; I'll put it on after I'm dressed. I don't hear my mom anywhere. Maybe she's at the store? 

I pull my outfit off the hanger and slip into it. I go to my closet and look at the number of shoes, not too many, but I could do without a lot of them. I dig around the bottom for my white Keds, hoping they are still just as white as they were when I bought them. They are. I check my phone and see that it's ten till seven. Perfect. I go back to the bathroom and brush my teeth, followed by a last minute self check. My naturally straight hair is hanging down my back, my make up is still fresh and my clothes are wrinkle-free. I grab my phone and purse from my bed and head down stairs to wait for him. 

"Mom?" I call out, expecting not to hear her voice call back.

"I'm down in the basement!" she yells back much to my surprise.

"I'm leaving any minute!"

"Okay! I'm coming up!" she says, followed by her soft foot steps on the stairs. She heads into the kitchen and comes back with a twenty dollar bill in her hand. I raise my eyebrows in confusion. "In case something happens," she shrugs and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks mom," I smile. The doorbell rings and I walk over. My mom squeals. "Mom, don't embarrass me," I laugh and open the door. My face falls and my jaw is nearly hanging on the ground. This cannot be good...

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