Chapter Thirty

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Chrissy Costanza as Hope, Chloe Moretz as Emma, Anastasia Karanikolao (Stass aka Kylie Jenner's best friend) as Casey!

You guys suck at commenting lately. hahahah.. I threw you a curve ball. what'd you think?

200 VOTES and 70 COMMENTS for a monday chapter. maybee....



Luke's POV

I sit on Hope's couch and play with her fingers aimlessly as she watches the TV in front of her. I steal quick glances in her direction every time the show captures her full attention. Her head tilts down the slightest bit, and her eyes grow as she stairs at the screen; they narrow at important parts as she tries to solve the case before the detective can say it. I lace my fingers through hers and watch as she turns and gives me a smile.

We've been together all day. She said she was planning on coming clean to Michael today. Why? I'm not sure. He's going to blow up. The only reason she hasn't yet is because he's visiting his mom at work and won't be home until later. So I'm here to keep her company while her own mom is out with her grandma for the next two days; she's not in very good condition Hope says. If it gets worse, she'll be out with her mom the next trip down.

I know she doesn't like to talk about serious matters, I've picked up on it over the last few weeks. We've spent all day eating and watching the Criminal Minds marathon on television. She mentions how attractive the nerdy one is, more than once might I add, and I only laugh along with it and joke back about how hot the blonde chick is.

I've been more silent than usual, trying to figure out what we should call this thing we have going on. I want to call her my girlfriend, I really fucking do, but I'm honestly a little worried she will turn me down. I slump in my seat and stare blankly at the moving pictures on the screen, thinking back on our dates. I go through them in order. The cafe, the fair. Then the beach and Casey's. Then laser tag and the photobooth. I go through our more simple moments like this, when we're only hanging around. I think back to the first time she came to my house. My mother hasn't stopped talking about her since that night.

When I showed her my tree house, I could tell that she loved it. Curiosity and excitement lit up her face as she peered at the four small walls. I'd never shown it to a girl, and I appreciate that. I'm glad she was the very first person who got to see it. I instantly and regrettably think to the next time she was at the tree house with me; I had upset her. I thought she may not forgive me, but I was hoping she would. I definitely never expected it to be that easy.

My thought's are interrupted by Hope's fingers pushing the ends of my lips up. "I don't like it when you frown," she pouts, mimicking the expression I must have been wearing. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just got lost in thought."

"Are you sure?" she asks, turning towards me to look at me more directly. I take in her cute, flowery, flowing shirt and leggings. Her brown hair is messy, yet it looks like she did it on purpose, so it's cute. She's not wearing any makeup and that's when I like her most; when she's completely herself. Although, I do have to admit the black framed glasses she's wearing make her look hot as fuck. When she invited me over, she made me promise not to make fun of them, otherwise she was going to throwing me out.

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