Chapter Fourteen

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"Ya know, I thought you were pretty hot, but I was worried that you'd be lame to hang out with. You're a pretty sweet chick," he said leaning in to me. I could feel the butterflies coming back. His eyes left mine and watched my lips intently. Michael was my first real kiss, but this is completely different. That was just Michael. His lips are so close I almost close the distance off myself, but decide against it. I close my eyes, I wait.. and I wait.."

it was brought to my intention that I had messed that up. So I fixed it! Thanks!

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I catch a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding and laugh, slightly embarrassed. "Don't you know how to play nice?" I repeat his words from earlier.

"No, not really," he says, catching on.

"What a shame..." I turn to open my door.

"Wait, Hope?" he says as I turn the handle, slowly openingit, taunting him. "Hope.."

"Oh, Luke! Were you saying something?" I stiffen a giggle.

"I was going to, but never mind," he says as he turns away from me. The air is warm, but holds a certain chill. I find myself turning around, curious.

I grab his arm to stop him, "I'm just joking."

"It's fine, really," he lets out a breathy laugh. "I'm not upset or anything."

"I didn't think you were, but what were you going to ask?" I'm so nosy.

"I was just going to say that I had a really good time tonight.." a slightly pink tint finds a home on his cheeks. His hand rubs the back of his neck as he looks to the ground to cover it. I realize I've been quiet for a couple seconds now.

"I did too," I smile. His eyes meet mine and we both laugh to lighten the awkward air. "So... Good night," I say as I lean in to give him a hug.

"Good night," he says as his arms wraps around my waist and we pull away quickly. He grabs his keys out of his pocket and turns on his heels. I open the door and see my mother waiting in the kitchen.

"Mom, it's like.." I check my phone for the time, "past midnight. Why are you up?"

"I need to hear the gossip from this date of yours. You never mentioned how cute he was!" she jokes, pulling me to the bar stool next to her at the kitchen counter, where she has her coffee and Peoples magazine out.

"He's alright," I shrug and hide a smile.

"You fib, darling. Terribly may I add," she cocks her head and smirks at me. I lay my purse down on the counter-top and get comfy because I know I'm going to tell her the whole date; detail-by-detail.

As I near the end of the story, mentioning the part when we were at the front door, I tell her how nervous I was, but how excited I was on the inside. How the butterflies were having a war in my stomach. Then how embarrassed I was when he whispered in my ear and left me waiting. Then I wondered if he felt the same way when I did it to him. Probably not, I'm just Hope. I laugh to myself. My mom gives me a confused glance. 

"But that's all that happened," I end.

"Sounds like you had a great time," she gives a famous mother look.

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