Story 2: Clubbing

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Set: 26/03/2016 or 26th March 2016 (Only because I know some of u switch around the dates) 

 "God, that was amazing" Michael panted as he fell on to the bed. Every time Alex came to visit Michael on tour all he would want is constant sex. Yes, it annoyed her a bit because that is all he wanted to do but she didn't mind sometimes, she felt bad for him knowing she was only around him a small portion of his career at times so she usually did what he wanted to do. 

Alex hummed in response and pulled the hotel duvet over her naked body. His hand made its way under and he ran his finger up and down her thigh. She laughed as it tickled her and whilst she turned her head away from him, he took the chance to start sucking at her neck, making sure he left marks.  

"Michael, stop" She whined. 

"I know you like it" Michael smirked as she pushed him away slightly. She sat up and wrapped the duvet around her even more.

"But I'm not walking around with a practically purple neck, plus it's like 5pm, we need to go and be productive" She gave him a look and he sighed.

"I'm off to shower" Michael said as he picked up his boxers and top from the floor and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Alex also gathered her pants and flannel shirt from the floor as she placed them on and going back to lay on the bed. She knew Michael was pissed off at her, he usually got annoyed at the smallest of things but that was just Michael. She knew how he would get over it soon. As she heard the shower turn on and some slight shuffling, she grabbed the TV remote and scrolled through the channels before stopping on Prison Break and watching old season 3 re-runs. 

It had been 25 minutes later and Michael was still in the shower, and she knew he was either texting and completely forgot to even shower, or he was getting himself off. Alex knew that was the deal, she had been in the situation too many times. She laughed and got up, picking up her phone, replying to a few text messages, and standing on the balcony as she over looked Los Angeles. The sun had just started to die down with it being 6pm and the city looked beautiful as ever.

Alex loved Los Angeles a lot, she had only been here a few times and of what she has so far seen, it was a dream place for her. Ever since she was 14 she wanted to live here and achieve her career goal of becoming a interior designer of a huge business. Instead, she lived in London earning money by being a waitress at a local Bills restaurant near her apartment. Alex thought about leaving several times and taking a course to help her achieve the goal but it was just too much to think about for her. Money wasn't a drawback for her, she had saved up since she was 12 and tips were pretty decent. Her parents also had a fair bit but she hated to rely on them. From the age of 16 she wanted to be independent and focus on her own life and wanting to get around herself, and as long as it was possible, she did that.

Michael came out of the bathroom with dripping hair and a towel around his waist. Alex turned around to give him a smile and he stared at her. 

"Isn't that my shirt" He walked over to her and tugged at the bottom of the flannel as he looked her up and down.

"Nope, all mine" Alex smirked, ran her finger over his lip which were still plump from the heated make out session they ended up having throughout the day, and she walked away into the bathroom smirking and locking the door behind, hearing Michael sigh from the other side. She smirked to herself and went to shower.

After Alex had showered, dried and tied up her hair, she secured the towel around her and walked out to see Michael sprawled across the bed on his phone. She pulled out fresh underwear, her lace bralet, oversized white tee and yoga pants and got changed. 

"Babe, I'm getting a bit hungry so I'm going to head out and get us some food" Michael stood up from the bed and grabbed his wallet before shoving it into his back pocket. 

"Wait, I'll join you" Alex replied, pulling her pants up and tying her hair into a ponytail.

"It's fine, sit and watch something, I won't be long, I promise. I'll pick up a movie too" He kissed her forehead, the top of her nose and then her lips before walking to the door and closing it behind him. She sighed before falling on to the bed and scrolling through her Facebook, Tumblr and watching her re-runs of Prison Break still.

She rubbed her eyes slowly, and turning over to see the time '10:54pm' on her lockscreen. She had fallen asleep and Michael still wasn't back. Knowing she wouldn't be sleeping for a while due to her sudden nap, she texted Michael.

to: michael x

it's been like 4 hours, where are you ???

sent 10:56pm

to: michael x

reply to me

sent 10:59pm

to: michael x

being a clingy girlfriend but where tf are you dude

sent 11:02pm

to: michael x

don't leave me to plan a funeral for a 19 year old boy 

sent 11:03pm

to: michael x

idk what song i would play for you 

sent 11:04pm

to: michael x

sorry but seriously, answer me michael

sent 11:07pm, read 11:34pm

Michael knew I hated it when he read my messages and never replied. I took the opportunity to check my social media.

@5SOSWWReports : Michael, Calum, Ashton and friends seen clubbing at Avalon Hollywood

@5SOSWWReports : the friends there are apparently Bryana, Nia, Rena, Casey, Miranda, Mitchy, Jack and Josie as seen on photos below *pretend there are pictures of them all partying here ok thx*

to: michael x

are you kidding me michael? you left me to go clubbing? i've been sat here for like 5 hours waiting for this stupid food and movie. you could have just told me you wanted to go out with friends. it'd be different if it was me wouldn't it?  

sent 11:31pm, read 11:32pm

from: michael x

it wAS SUDDEN BABY, sorry hhehee, im with jossiee she says yOUR RUED AND I SHould laeve u

received 11:36pm

to: michael x

you are a joke michael. i'm fed up of this.

sent 11:38pm

to: michael x


sent 11:39pm, read 11:40pm

a/n: i will revisit certain scenarios within the story, and this will definitely be one of them.

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