Story 3: Shopping

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Set: 27/03/2016 or 27th March 2016 (Only because I know some of you switch around the dates)  

Alex heard a groan from the bed as she grabbed her white off the shoulder top from her suitcase and dropping her towel from her previous shower and placing it on. 

"No bra...hmm I like it" Michael grinned as he placed his arms outwards wanting to grab her.

"Shut up Clifford, now get up and get dressed" Alex shuffled up her blue ripped skinny jeans and placed her lace up sandals on. Alex wanted to forget about last night's actions which Michael caused. She seemed to put most of the blame on Josie but due to Alex loving Michael too much, it was another forgiven moment they would put behind them.

"Why, what's planned, I was thinking we could stay here and-"

"No, I want to go out with you and do something. It's your last day off for a while and last night obviously showed me you wanted to go out so we're going out"

"I thought we wasn't going to talk about last night" He groaned.

"We're not, I'm just saying. Do you want to go out or not?"

"Fine, only because I love you". Michael stood up from the bed, tugged on the side of his boxers and grabbed the towel before heading into the bathroom.

Alex sat down in front of the large mirror next to the hotel bed and grabbed her make up bag and phone. She scrolled through her music library,  placing The Maine on shuffle before putting minimal make up on. A good 10 minutes later, Michael came out, dried his hair and placed his clothes on as well as spraying some cologne.

"What is your plan then m'lady" He laughed before sitting down on the bed and tapping his feet on the floor and grabbing his phone. 

"I thought we could head out on to The Grove, do some shopping, grab something to eat, go look around places. We could just take a easy day" Alex shrugged and tidied her items away, grabbing her bag and placing her phone inside of it before looking up at Michael. He was sat smiling at his phone and typing away, Alex couldn't help but feel jealous knowing he could possibly be texting another girl who could possibly be a previous hook-up or even worse, Josie. As Alex usually did, she shrugged it off and placed a smile on her face.

"Hmm sorry, what did you say babe" Michael stood up, placed his phone in his back pocket and smiled at Alex. Alex reached out for his hand and intertwined her fingers before telling him today's plan. They both agreed on what they would do and headed out there.

When Michael and Alex reached The Grove, there was obviously people walking about and taking photos of them both around as per usual but with the length of their relationship, they were use to it and it didn't bother them. 

"Hey babe, I need the bathroom, you just go ahead and I'll meet you, where will you be?" Michael looked at his phone before looking back up at Alex. Alex looked around the place before laying her eyes upon a Brandy Melville.

"Probably in Brandy Melville, don't be long please, I want to spend as much time with you as possible today" Alex probably sounded like a needy girlfriend but today would more than likely be the last day that they could spend it together and have free time for a while as being on the road involves a lot more effort and the boys spend most of it sleeping.

"I'm only off to pee, I'll be like 2 minutes" Michael kissed Alex and headed off. She re-adjusted her hand grip on her bag and walked towards Brandy Melville.

Entering the store, she was greeted with her name and a few teenage girls asking for pictures. Alex wasn't sure why people wanted photos with her, she was dating someone, not the famous person themselves. She smiled with some girls before heading off into some stands at the back of the store. Picking up some tops and shoes, she walked around the store some more and seeing a stand beside the door which had some shorts she admired. Finding her size, Alex grabbed them down and checked them out before placing them over her left arm. She took out her phone seeing if Michael had text or rang her but no. Outside she heard a scream and saw a girl running, Alex peeked between two items out of the front window to see what had happened but instead she saw Michael walking and laughing with a girl. She had messy brown hair and wearing an flannel shirt which she was positive was Michael's. Alex watched Michael take a photo with two young girls and waved them goodbye, she was utterly in shock with what she was currently seeing and again, didn't understand why Michael was lying to her. 

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