Story 4: Party

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Date: 02/04/2016 or 2nd April 2016 also 03/04/16 or 3rd April 2016.


After Michael walked out on Alex in LA last week, Alex decided she had enough and left for home. All she wanted after the fight with Michael was to go back to her apartment, call her friend Zoey and catch up. Since she came back from the tour a week early,  Alex had a week to sort herself out before heading back to work. Tomorrow was Alex's birthday and with it being her 21st, she thought she would be more excited. Since she had planned her birthday around LA but since that was no longer the situation, she was down for holding a party in her apartment, even if it was too small.

She arrived home soon after 1pm but still felt like 5am LA time. iMessages and Twitter notifications all came through as Alex got her WiFi connected and shoving her bedroom door wide open before dropping her suitcase and falling on to her bed. Alex soon posted a status on Facebook and texted her friends about this party she was planning on throwing tomorrow night, asking them to bring +1's obviously since there wasn't many of her friends who would usually be available. 

With both Michael's and Alex's birthdays over their relationship, they had shared them together and gone out for a really expensive, one off meal and got each other amazing gifts. Alex knew this birthday would be different but it didn't effect her as much as it probably should bearing in mind it would be one of their first birthdays without each other.

Sighing, Alex got up, walked over to her bathroom and undressed herself before stepping into the shower. Whilst she was washing her hair, there was a bang at her apartment door. She drew back the shower curtain and shouted "Hello"? and got no answer. She turned the water off, stepped out and wrapped a towel around her. She looked through her door viewer to see no one there. Alex slowly opened the door to reveal a Zoey tying her shoe on the floor.

Alex laughed and Zoey leaped up to hug her before letting her in and carrying on her shower before she settled in for the night with Zoey.

- next day - 

"Happy Birthday!" Zoey screamed as she spread herself across Alex's bed, giving her a hug. Alex groaned in response and turned over. "C'mon Al, it's the big 2 1, you're getting soooo smashed tonight girl"

"No I'm not, I'm spending my day in bed" Alex groaned whilst stretching.

"Nope, you've got people coming over tonight to celebrate, it'll be nice spending it with some friends, just catching up, ordering takeaway and drinking our lives away". Zoey sat up and placed herself at the end of Alex's bed, grabbing her hair and tying it up. Alex sat herself up and repeated Zoey's actions.

"It's just going to be so different" Alex sighed, grabbing her phone and checking it. Her Twitter mentions and Facebook profile were both filled with 'Happy Birthday's' and being tagged in cute posts on Instagram by her friends.

"Why? Because he's not here? Alex, get over him, have fun. He's the one who ditched you, and several times, when you went out of your way to spend time with him over there. Let loose"

"I guess, but it's the first year we won't be spending it together"

"But you've got me, so it's even better" Zoey winked. "Anyway, I have your present" She grinned as she pulled out a medium box from behind her. "It's from both me and Nathan, I think he's coming tonight so you'll see him then". Nathan was one of Alex's best friends and had been since they were 6, she introduced him to Zoey at Alex's 17th birthday party soon after Zoey and Alex became friends. Zoey and Nathan soon started dating and honestly, Alex was jealous of them. They had the perfect relationship. They went on dates every friday night, they went on walks during the day, shopping, visit each other's families, go out with friends and just do everything together. It was the opposite of Alex's and Michael's.

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