Story 5: Boyfriend Material

148 18 10

Date: 2nd May 2016 or 02/05/2016


"I enjoyed this, I really did, thank you Josh" Alex smiled to the boy in front of her.

"Anytime gorgeous, see you at work tomorrow?" He smirked. Alex nodded in reply, waving goodbye as she turned around and headed home.

It had been a month since both Michael and Alex argued the night of her birthday and also a month since they last spoke to each other. Alex was totally over Michael, in some ways... The only time she thought of him would be if somebody mentioned him or he appeared on the TV or radio. Alex wanted time to focus on her job, family and friends as well as experiencing new things. With dating Michael for so long, Alex forgot about the experience of going on dates. Her and Michael hardly went on dates because he was never the type to enjoy them and would just nag to go home but Alex enjoyed them. She enjoyed just sitting down and talking to someone and getting to know them. That's why Alex took the opportunity to go out with Josh. Josh was a work colleague of Alex and had been crushing on her hard for years, but now Alex was single again, Josh jumped at the chance. At first, Alex was hesitant towards it but soon warmed up to the idea after they spoke during a lunch break one day and realised how he chilled he is. 

Every time Alex would open Twitter, a 5SOS update account would release new pictures of Michael out with a different girl every other day, and if not it would be Josie. It would make Alex sick to her stomach at the thought of Michael still talking to her after what they both did to her. But why dwell on it?

'@AlexHarveyyy: forgot how fast some people can get over someone lol

@AlexHarveyyy: also went on a date tonight, luv it

@AlexHarveyyy: #freefoodndrinks

@AlexHarveyyy: jokes, he was actual super nice #boyfmaterial

@AlexHarveyyy: oh dear i hope he doesn't follow me after this lmao'

Alex would always get tons of replies from fans mentioning Michael and how much of a bad person she is because it was always her fault but Alex just laughed off the comments knowing the truth because the boys are never made out t be bad people.

"Honey I'm home" Zoey's voice rang through Alex's ears as she bombarded through the door carrying bags of groceries. 

"Why are you doing my shopping for me?" Alex questioned as she got up off the sofa, taking off her heels from the date and chucking them off to the side. 

"I feel like I live here if I'm not with Nathan and you ran out of food, so I'm basically doing myself a favour" She smiled and unpacked as Alex headed to her bedroom, dropping her dress off her body and replacing it with a grey top with was currently hanging off the side of her mirror. She checked over herself in the mirror as she put her hair up. Soon realising the top did not belong to her but to Michael, she took it off as Alex muttered 'nope' to herself and grabbing a fresh top from a pile in the corner. 

"So how was the date with loverboy" Zoey walked into Alex's bedroom and laid herself down on her bed. 

"It was alright yeah" Alex turned and smiled at Zoey as she did some arranging of her room.

"Just alright? Heard he could be boyfriend material"

Alex swung her head back around to Zoey before smirking and laughing, "Total boyfriend material, I just hope it doesn't make things awkward at work tomorrow because, well, it's him. But I think we're going on another date at the weekend. He said he wants to take me to some posh restaurant because I deserve it" Alex mentioning the last bit whilst doing quotation marks with her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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