Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to My Mom

(This is a Rewrite of the original TCoF Story, please leave your comments and Reviews :) Story is still subject to change)

The Cry of Angels: Chapter One....

The Coming Storm...

-Characters in this Chapter: Kier, Jacob, Kain & Asher-


Kier huffed a bit as his broad frame stood over the fiery coals of the forge as he heated the rod in his hand. The thick heat from the forge billowed out, however it did not bother him at all, it actually felt good against his ever cooling skin. Kier was never able to produce his own body heat very well, he never really understood why, even as a child, it was as if his blood flow was not quite up to par, which made his skin so pale. This wasn’t, however, so uncommon among his people, but is annoyed him some because when he would go to different towns he was seen different and avoided by others... That was one of the main reasons he had stayed in Amir for the last five years. The village of Amir was a quiet little place he had been passing through when they had suddenly went under attack by a small army of a clan that wished to take the land.

Not only being a blacksmith, but an excellent swordsmen and strategists, Kier helped change the tied for the small village, helping them chase the clan out and save their village. The people of Amir ignored any difference about him and welcomed him to be one of their people, so he accepted and had resided there since.

Kier’s deep green eyes focused upon the end of the rod as it turned red, waiting for the very familiar Orange and yellow to let him know it was time to start hammering. There was something about being a blacksmith that just felt right, though it was a profession of his father and his father before him; Kier went into it because he simply loved the work. The wonder of how the heat could make something so strong so weak, how he could mold and create things, it was like magic to him as a child and even now, even after doing this for so many years, it still seemed to mystify him.

A small smiled shaped upon his pink lips as he watched the metal turn to the color he had been waiting patiently for. Pulling the rod from the fire, bringing it over to hammer.  Kier picked up a large grayish stone hammer that looked very old, Deverack was what he called it, it’s thick wooden  handle was covered in strange markings that only he and his people could read or speak. It was a special tool, handed down from generations; both used as a tool and a weapon if needed though his race was not a violent one. Nor did Kier’s people seek out controversy they had skilled warriors, as Kier was, they knew how to fight and defend when peace fails.

Kier’s family was apart of a long line of defenders of his race, strong willed, skilled with practically

any weapon given to them. But long ago his family tired of the on going war between his people and

their long time enemy whom were spawned from the same race long ago. So Kier’s family, along with others of his race went out and lived out in solitary and peace, where no one knew of them, where their enemies could not trace them... But for some reason, in Kier’s family, an ongoing war of the lands that evaded every home of every type of being that roamed the earth would come to a head point around them. I battle of light and dark, that was always at war with each other seemed to always find it’s way to the door step of his family.  It was a trying thing, though it was not often, the coming storm would slowly gather and then finally come to a peek where they would have to fight, though the battles reasons came in different shapes and forms, it was always the same. The Dark Forces of the land wished to conquer the Light, the winner would always change, And no matter what Kier did, this curse would stay with him, no matter where he went, the war would follow.

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