Chapter six - what may come

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The Cry of Angels - Chapter Six

Characters for this chapter: Kier, Mystery woman, Jansen & Tamar


"subsisto!" Tamar called placing her hands up before her as the young woman stopped in her tracks, her eyes wide looking at her as her breathing was heavy. The two just stared at one another for the longest time as Keir looked between the two, a bit confused at what had just happened. Tamar stood there in one of her own dresses on, a light brown ncolor that complimented her own dark brown skin. Her own dark hair fell down over her shoulders as her almond brown eyes stayed trained on the woman before her, not looking to Keir once. She took a breath and lowered her hands slowly,

"It's alright... You are amoung friends" she said calmly as she took a step towards the young woman who in turn took a step back,  her eyes darting between Kier and Tamar's form. Keir didn't move an inch as he looked to Tamar,

"I don't think she can understand us... I have no idea where she's from but It has to be a long ways from here" he said as he watched Tamar slowly move towardsthe woman who wasn't moving away anymore as Tamar grew close, placing a hand out until the tips of her fingers were just short of the woman,

"I am Tamar, daughter of Silvia and Dainar the warrior," she said keeping her attention on the woman. Keir didn't understand why she was still trying to communicate with her when she didn't look like she understood a word they were saying. So it came to him as a bigger surprise when Tamar suddenly smiled and nodded as if someone had said something. "She understands" she said pleased before finally looking over to Keir who was more confused than ever.

"How could you possibly know  that she can understand us? She hasn't said anything," he said looking at Tamar as if she was a little crazy which caused Tamar to giggle slightly.

"She did say something, you just didn't hear her" she said with a smile as the other woman slowly looked at him. Tamar smiled a little more, "she is sorry if she frieghtened us" Tamar said as she watched Keir's eyes switch between her's and the womans.

"Now I was looking directly at her, her lips did not move" he said conviced Tamar was trying to mess with his mind. But Tamar shook her head,

"She isn't speaking with her tounge, she is speaking to me through thought, as you said, she's from a far off place." she said with a smirk, "But she says you knew that, because you were already in her mind before" Tamar said eyeing him. Keir's eyes went a bit wide as he looked at the woman who's eyes were now dead on him.  who was this woman? What was she? Then is dawned on him that she was indeed talking and had told Tamar something he didn't want her knowing. But almost as if she was reading his mind Tamar smiled a bit and shook her head, "Don't worry, she didn't inform me of anything new about you"

"Wait... what? Tamar what, what are you saying?" he said looking at her a little on edge, but she just shook her ehad and took the woman by the arm.

"We'll talk later," she said before looking at the door as Jansen suddenly rushed into the door,

"There you ar- She's awake! she's..." he stopped suddenly as his smile faded some as he saw the girl's strange pink eyes that were fading to a purple color. He walked up slowly before coming to an abrupt stop as Tamar rose a hand to let hm know not to come any closer as the woman shrunk back a little from him.

"Yes, but she's a bit shaken and hasn't started talking yet, but I think she will be okay, just need a little food and water in her I think" she said as she lead the woman to the cot once again. Kier gave Jansen a look before they nodded,

"We'll take care of it" Jansen said as the two of them walked out. Once outside and out of earshot Jansen looked to Keir with a odd look, "what is she Keir? Do you have any idea what she is?"

Kier sighed a little shaking his head, "I don't know for sure Jansen, but I don't like it... I'm telling you this, you better get prepaired, because there is something coming, something Bad...


(Three years ago)

Tamar - The Slave

Tamar coughed roughly as she looked up at the man that loomed over her, the dim light of the sky from the clouds seemed to reveal how she herself felt as the sky seemed to cry for her as she tried to hold back her sobs... “My lord please... I did nothing wrong, please I only-” but her words were cut off by the loud roaring of the thunder as the clouds seem to darken. The man’s dark eyes looked up at the sky and then at her,

“Is this your work too witch?” he shouted, excusing her for the storm, she knew it would end up like this, if she went through with what she did. Now the man who had been kind enough to let her work for him as a farm hand was now seeing her as a creature, a woman of dark arts which was not something that was smiled upon in the land she was in. She knew that if she revealed her ‘gift’ she would be shunned, though she felt she had to choice and a part of her thought that maybe the man who took her in would show her a little kindness after what she did for him, but the human mind was always so clouded by judgment it never saw the mercy or the darkness in one's actions until it was too late, and in knowing this Tamar had no choice but to forgive him for his ignorance.

"N-no my lord... please I beg of you, I only wished to keep you and your family safe, I did not wish bad fotunen on you after all you have done for me," she confessed to him as she got on her knees, "Please my lord, please understand I am not evil, I can not help the gifts I was given... please, I only wanted to sav-" Her words were cut visiously with a hard smack across her face that caused her to fall backwards into the ground as the sky opened and began to cry down upon her with it's tear drops. Each drop cool and yet heavy upon her dark skin.

She looked up at him with sad eyes and it was then she saw it, the sorrowful look on his face... He now saw where anger and fear had driven him, he saw the young woman he and his sick wife had taken in, who had been there for them for the last three years, the one who had done right by them and infulanced them with her strength and integraty... but they both knew it was too late.

The young man looked up to see some of the work hands all standing about watching but from a distance, not close enough to see his pain expression of what he had just done. "Go" was all he could say, his hands trembling as he balled them up, "just go" he snapped as he turned and stormed his way back to his sickly wife, knowing that by sending Tamar away, he might be condiming his own wife to death as Tamar was the only one who had ever gotten his wife better than she was only a few years ago. Tamar had remarkably been ablel to get his bedritten wife out of bed, eatting on her own and even walking about the lands. But now all that had changed, all because Tamar trusted him with a secret that he didn't understand and didn't know how to accept.

Tamar stood up slowly, wincing a bit as she glanced back to the master's house seeing Kel's wife, Lady Kinna, looking out with a pained expression on her face, sorrow clear in her eyes. Tamar knew what she was thinking, what she was feeling , what she wished... it was a blessing and ac curse, though more of a curse most times as it made it that much harder to force a smile before turning her back to the house. Looking about at the servents who avoided her eye contact as she mafe her way slowly through the rain, off the lands, never to look back again.

~End Chapter~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2013 ⏰

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