Dark Pasts

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The Cry of Angels:

Chapter Five

The Donovan

Characters in this Chapter: Kain, Asher,Jacob, Kier & Mystery girl


The Donovan... A name given ages ago to a band of three brothers of whom many believed to be the bringers of Deception, destruction and death. Legend would have it that long ago three brothers performed a ceremony, selling their souls in exchange to have the power to defeat a coming threat to their lands. Some say that they were at that point possessed with dark spirits and once they fulfilled the deal they went out seeking and creating wars and dark times to fall across many lands. Some say that the three young me became devils themselves... others say they became slaves to the very wickedness they called upon, becoming immortal and unstoppable.

Through out the ages it was said the Donovan brothers would be defeated by a light that rested in the heart of man and they were indeed defeated, but though the Donovan fell, they would rise again in new flesh to start once more on their quest of destruction. That was however until they met a greater force unknown by man at the time, a force of not one being, but a group of misfit warriors that would use the good spirits to lock away the great evil.

The key was given to the light bringers who became guardians of the province where the three were defeated, to keep safe the land and the rest of the world...

The land was called Caswyn, named for the holy battle that took place against the darkness that had covered the entire land. Within this provance was a mythical forest called the Xylon Forest, apparently  more special than any of the other forests in the land, it was the one where the dark warriors had fallen and were locked inside a large tree in the very center of the wood.

The warning to never disturbed was carried through the ages, even after the gaurdian's died, the responcibility given to those chosen to carry the secrets of the wood and the monsters within the tree. Only the chosen know of the true dangers that are held inside the dark forest though through time the gravity of the danger somewhat lightened and it became more of a myth than true events, like tides against the stones of men’s memories the warning lost its important to most.

But the risk of freeing the dark forces once again in the world was not any less real, so the location of the tree was kept hidden and safe for many ages, with each generation of gaurdians the care for the role became less important against the other evils rising in the world and the Donovan have become all but forgotten.


The forms of Kain, Asher and Jacob stepped out of the thick wood slowly as the sun set in the distance. The storm clouds still densely hovered above Xylon, only now spreading out like long dark fingers or tentacles, looking to block out the light from the retreating sun. The three kept to the dark shadows carefully, almost as if they feared to be caught in the remaining light as theystood upon hilltop.

Kain’s eyes peered down below them at the small village of Amir before them, his eyes holding dark and sinister look to them as he smirked slightly with amusment. Jacob slowly crouched low, like some sort of feline as he got down on all fours and made his way close to the edge of the hill before the slope began, his thin yet strong fingers digging deeply into the soil, His blue eyes peering towards the village as well while Asher remained behind them, not needing to gaze upon the town, instead he folded his arms as he looked up towards the sky.

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