Chapter Three

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The Cry of Angels: Chapter Three

Characters in this chapter:

Kier, Jacob, Mystery Girl, Lenora & Jansen

(please leave comments)


Jacob sat quietly on the ground in the same place Kain had left him. His pale cold skinny fingers

brushed up and down against the string of his bow as he waited beneath a large Oak tree, trying to

keep himself as dry as possible. But his body shivered as a cold breeze wrapped around his thin

frame, sending shivers down his spine; well the cold was part of the reason for the shivers as he

looked out at the darkening woods.

Asher had always made fun of how skinny Jacob was as well as how frightened he would get

some times, in fact there wasn’t much that Jacob could think about that Asher didn’t make fun of

about him. He sighed a bit as he stood back to his feet, his blue eyes looking around the woods

once again looking for any sign of his brother’s return. They had been away far too long, they should

have been back by now.

Another crack of thunder loomed overhead causing his heart thump a little faster as he waited on

Asher and Kain to return, putting his bow back around him he watched quietly, nervously as the rain

stopped suddenly, making it quiet in the forest. His hand moved and hovered over his seethed

blade that was strapped to his side. Something was wrong, he could feel it, though Asher would

have just called him a woman, Jacob could feel it on the air, like something was coming for him.

Kain wouldn’t have left him alone if it was too dangerous though, the real dangerous animals dwelt

deeper in the forest. But something else seemed amiss, so Jacob didn’t think it was harmful to be

a bit more careful as he unsheathed his blade and held it firmly in his hand.

Jacob jumped a little as he turned quickly, startled by the sound of rustling not to far off; something

was coming his way and at a quick pace. Were Kain and Asher running towards him? No... They

would come from the other direction; at least he thought they would. Was it a wolf? No... A wolf

wouldn't be making so much noise... A Bear perhaps? He wasn’t sure what it was; it could be

anything, anything ready to kill him dead.

 “Great Artimis” he whispered to himself as he put his dagger away and readied his bow,

withdrawing an arrow from his quiver he aimed towards the noise.

Maybe it was it one of the demons that were said to dwell in the woods... coming to clam the foolish

boy‘s soul for itself... Jacob's hands began to shake at the thought, anything could be out there,

possibly some beast with eyes as black as night, and Red claws sharper that any blade. He

watched the trees as the sound got louder as it got closer, Jacob’s shivers had taken over and he

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