Chapter 10: Twinning with the Devil

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(Your POV)

I stepped outside into the morning air to see James standing by the road with his car. I locked the door and turned to see that he was waving at me. I smiled and waved back.

He looked absolutely stunning without even trying. His previously wild hair had been combed to the side and was held in place by a bit of gel. He wore a long-sleeved white button up, with the sleeves rolled up and cuffed at his elbows. His outfit was completed with black slacks and the same black shoes he had been wearing when we had met. It took me only a fraction of a second to realize we were matching. #Twinsies

"Hey, you." He said as I approached. I grinned, loving the way his accent sounded.

"Hey, James." He brought me in for a warm hug. I pulled away, humming in amusement. "Have you been stalking me?" I asked playfully, referring to our clothes.

He laughed. "I could ask the same of you." His smile faded and his tone became more serious. "But this is okay, right? I mean, I can change if you w-"

"No!" I cut him off reassuring him. "It's fine, really."

He breathed a sigh of relief, then put an arm around my waist and pulled me to his side. "Good, because it makes us the perfect pair."

I slapped his chest playfully. "Alright then, Mr. Perfect, let's get going." He smiled and let go of me, then opened my car door.

"Any preferences, Miss Perfect?"

"Not really, I'm sure you know this city better than I do." I said as I climbed into the car. He nodded, closed my door, and then went over to the driver's side.

"Alright then, (Y/n), prepare yourself for the best coffee you've ever had."


We arrived at our destination after about 20 minutes of driving and friendly chatter. I stepped out of the car only to be greeted with the quaintest café I'd ever seen. It was a small, hole-in-the-wall kind of place with vines growing down it. Amongst all of these larger shops, I might not have even seen it if I hadn't been looking for it.

"It might be small, but it's the best coffee in London, guaranteed." James said, as if he had read my thoughts. He placed his hand on my lower back and guided me forward. "Come on." He said, giving a reassuring smile.

He opened the door for me. What a gentleman- if only Sherlock could be this nice- he might actually be tolerable. I shook my head, mentally chiding myself. The one chance of the day I have to not think about Sherlock and here I am thinking about him. When I snapped myself out of my thoughts, I was greeted with the best aroma I had ever smelled. "Whoa."

James nodded. "I know."

The man behind the counter seemed to be the only one in the café- there were no customers anywhere. Apparently, James must be a regular, because the man behind the counter recognized him. But then again, it's not like they would have too many customers to memorize. "James! Hey, man! Who's the lovely lady?" He called out in a deep voice.

I chuckled and extended my hand, which he took. "(Y/n), pleasure to meet you."

His green eyes twinkled. "Ah, American! And a beautiful one at that," he added with a wink.

James cleared his throat awkwardly, and I pulled my hand away. "(Y/n), this is Dean, the best coffee maker in London. Dean, this is (Y/n), my..." He turned to me, unsure of what to say.

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